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Posts tagged puzzles
This is a [calculation-puzzle], which is a puzzle that involves numerical calculations, generally using the basic operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Without using a...
This is an initial post for the proposal of a new community: Creative Challenges. Please feel free to answer here or post more questions in the spirit of this one. Do not restrict yourself on the ...
Note: I checked that the solution is in fact unique using this Picat program created by SE user Bubbler. Background So back in March, I posted this question on the Puzzling Stack Exchange asking ...
So 6 months ago, I posted this puzzle on Puzzling Stack Exchange that was part of my "Filling in an 8x8 minesweeper grid with mines" puzzle series. This specific one was based on Day 30 of the Mine...
Site Name Puzzles Description For those who are interested in the creation and solving of puzzles. Topics Topics covered would include: Creating or improving puzzles Resource requests (i.e...