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Posts tagged worldbuilding
Backstory I had an idea of a large project to breed specialized soldiers who will be used to fight and kill members of a story-specific group known for being super powered with some of these soldi...
Worldbuilding Description This is a community embracing and bringing together worldbuilders, writers, poets and dreamers searching for help and inspiration to bring their creative stories, RPGs, ...
So I've been noticing that when it comes to most of my character and monster designs involving shooting fire most of them do this primarily through chemical reactions using gasses such as methane l...
So as I was thinking about characterizations I started thinking about cybernetics, and I started to wonder about the concept of cellular cybernetics and what the possibilities of such technology wo...
The Worldbuilding proposal has some "conventional" questions and some that are more open-ended or even "idea generation". This happened in the SE Worldbuilding community too, and the latter got sh...
The Worldbuilding proposal currently includes this bullet: We would accept a fairly broad range of question types. Within reasonable limitations, questions that require focused brainstorming or ...
There was a very nice question posted recently about an underground society not knowing overground war has ended. Just out of curiosity: The question could be regarded as "too broad", "genera...
I had an idea for a character who can emit very powerful vibrations. As I thought about the possibility of how this character's vibration powers would work I eventually started to wonder how would ...
Backstory: I had an idea of someone who can generate powerful vibrations that can either be used to amplify physical attacks or fire these vibrations in a direct oscillating stream for ranged atta...
So, I've been experimenting with this idea of someone with the power of winged flight. The details about said character I haven't fully figured out and might not make. That said, I have a basic ide...
Backstory: So I had an idea where there's this secret society type organization with a specialized super-powered group to deal with serious and major threats. After something of a civil war breaks...
I'm imagining a sort of magic that only manipulates probabilities. That is, you cannot achieve something that's against the laws of nature (for example, you cannot create energy out of nothing), bu...
Backstory: In my story there's this organization that is kind like of movie version of Men in Black combined with the Kingsmen where they hide in the shadows and maintain order in the world. Now t...
Backstory I had an idea of a large project to breed specialized soldiers who will be used to fight and kill members of a story-specific group known for being super powered. Theses soldiers are bre...
Consider the following scenario: We are in a far future. Technology has advanced quite a bit. A large, devastating global war has broken out. One faction decides to hide from that war underground...
In a fictional alternate version of present-day Earth, scientists have found a way to resurrect people from the past en masse. The resurrected will have bodies that resemble their original ones bu...
I have this idea about people with "Psionic" power. Psionics in my story are primarily beings able to emit and/or manipulate a special energy field from within that takes physical form. They can ex...
There is one simple answer to this question: No. No, it does not fit into the current concept of Q&A. The topic of Worldbuilding is fundamentally different to probably all other possible commun...
I like the proposal text and have actually very little to add. Should be a solid starting ground. One concern I have is the general thing with "malformed questions". I strongly advocate for not h...
I would like to get a picture of the general supporters (those who are "okay" with this) for a Worldbuilding community. Supporters are not meant to be obliged to participate actively. Just interest...
I've had an idea where there's this humanoid based life-form that has no real origin other than being found on some remote island. Kind of like skull island and seems be a complete anomaly in the n...
I would like to ask something about a world I am designing. Can I ask that here? Is this like in StackExchange and I get closed and downvoted without help? To the existing members: This is the i...
I'm looking for a very long and sufficiently detailed list of every possible type of facility that exists in the world today, or perhaps is likely to exist in the future. For example, the list woul...
This is an initial post for the proposal of a new community: Creative Challenges. Please feel free to answer here or post more questions in the spirit of this one. Do not restrict yourself on the ...