Welcome to the staging ground for new communities! Each proposal has a description in the "Descriptions" category and a body of questions and answers in "Incubator Q&A". You can ask questions (and get answers, we hope!) right away, and start new proposals.
Are you here to participate in a specific proposal? Click on the proposal tag (with the dark outline) to see only posts about that proposal and not all of the others that are in progress. Tags are at the bottom of each post.
Discussions about proposals or the proposal process.
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Looks like the variables didn't get filled in in the proposals FAQ. I see $sitename several times in the copy:
When SE's webmasters community was just starting out, they had a Meta discussion about what the site name should be. Although they settled on "webmasters", some of the arguments given at the time m...
Currently, clicking Start Proposal starts you with a blank text box. There is some general advise in the "Posting Tips" box. However, it is not clear what exactly the format should be, what points ...
Steam by Valve is a popular game platform and storefront. Features of Steam include: Purchasing games Running games (in fact, using Steam is mandatory games purchased on Steam) Compatibility a...
If/when we accumulate many proposals, I think we might run into an issue with tags colliding. For example, suppose someone adds the base tag to Video Games ask about base building in strategy game...
When questions in Video Games are about a specific game, should we expect askers to put that game's name in the title? Or is it enough to merely tag it with that game.
Previously in the old system, we asked around of how many that were willing to participate, posted scope proposals and declared interested with comments or voting. Now: The "Descriptions" tab...
Some of the posts in Incubator Q&A are tagged [Webmasters] (with a capital W) and some are tagged [webmasters] (with a lower case w). The posts with capital letter in the tag have that tag sh...
There are a couple proposals in Site Proposals that haven't been launched. Should we re-create them here on this new community, or should we avoid duplicating the content and just link questions he...
Once a proposal is out of the incubator and it has its own site, is the plan to move the incubator Q/A questions to it?
Welcome to the new Proposals site! As we noted in the proposal for this change, we feel we need better way to propose and evaluate new communities for our network. A single post and people expres...
Should we tag question in the incubator Q/A with all the tags we expect them to have when used on their own site, or just with a tag for site. For example, I created the question Will an XML sitem...
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