Welcome to the staging ground for new communities! Each proposal has a description in the "Descriptions" category and a body of questions and answers in "Incubator Q&A". You can ask questions (and get answers, we hope!) right away, and start new proposals.
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Discussions about proposals or the proposal process.
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In a Codidact community there are community-specific help pages, reflecting the fact that each community is different. Over time these help pages can be modified in response to discussions on Meta....
MathJax is enabled in this community, but it is not mentioned in the formatting help. If MathJax guidance is wanted, there is some in the Mathematics Codidact formatting help (at the end). This co...
Some proposals include categories beyond the defaults of Q&A and Meta. We don't have all those categories here on the proposals site, but we need a way to indicate which category a post is int...
The Worldbuilding proposal has some "conventional" questions and some that are more open-ended or even "idea generation". This happened in the SE Worldbuilding community too, and the latter got sh...
The Worldbuilding proposal currently includes this bullet: We would accept a fairly broad range of question types. Within reasonable limitations, questions that require focused brainstorming or ...
I noticed that Codidact has very less variety of communities. What about chemistry?
There was a very nice question posted recently about an underground society not knowing overground war has ended. Just out of curiosity: The question could be regarded as "too broad", "genera...
Something that could give us a bit of life and community beyond information-based content, would be a way for us to share experiences and highlights from our own game-playing experiences. Arqade SE...
I tried to post a question on worldbuilding and after I found I wasn't able to get into the site. I kept getting redirected to page telling me that codidact proposals was unavailable and it even to...
There is one specific issue here with one emergency solution. Because of this specific situation, we have discovered a flaw in our system. This flaw needs to be discussed further, and eventually re...
Artificial Life, a community for "the cross-disciplinary study of life and its abstract processes, distinct from but cross-informed by the specific instance of life that is studied as Biology", was...
We have several proposals that were made a long time ago but haven't had any incubator posts at all. That wasn't a use case we anticipated; we expected that proposals might be slow to build and th...
Invasive Species was proposed almost a year ago but has no incubator posts. The proposal includes outlines (titles) of sample questions that would be on-topic, but they haven't been developed into...
I'd like to welcome questions at any level of understanding, in particular because Artificial Life is an interdisciplinary field, so even an expert in one field is an outsider in some sense. I'd al...
Accounting was proposed about a year ago, but there have been no posts in the incubator. A comment on the proposal suggests that accounting should be within the scope of Finance. There is no over...
Open Source Software was proposed about a year ago. Ten people have joined or are watching, which might be a record here, but there have been no posts in the incubator. The description is: A s...
There is one simple answer to this question: No. No, it does not fit into the current concept of Q&A. The topic of Worldbuilding is fundamentally different to probably all other possible commun...
I like the proposal text and have actually very little to add. Should be a solid starting ground. One concern I have is the general thing with "malformed questions". I strongly advocate for not h...
I would like to get a picture of the general supporters (those who are "okay" with this) for a Worldbuilding community. Supporters are not meant to be obliged to participate actively. Just interest...
I would like to ask something about a world I am designing. Can I ask that here? Is this like in StackExchange and I get closed and downvoted without help? To the existing members: This is the i...
I'm looking for a very long and sufficiently detailed list of every possible type of facility that exists in the world today, or perhaps is likely to exist in the future. For example, the list woul...
When I'm browsing through questions in the Q/A category, I often want to look closer at the community proposal that the question belongs to. The most obvious path to follow, then, is to click on th...
When looking at a tag in the Incubator Q/A category, I often want to know which community that tag belongs to. As is the case today, tags in that category aren't actually confined to a single commu...
Codidact is rather strongly centered around the idea of voting on content. Personally, I am open to revisit the manner in which we rank and asses content on the network, but for the time being, tha...
Codidact is wide open to have any sort of community proposed. This means that any kind of proposal can also gain a significant backing from either new or existing members. However, that does not me...
Philosophy is an academic discipline and also a more informal conversational pursuit. How should the Philosophy community be structured to support and encourage answerable objective questions and ...
I have updated and formalized the scope definition of the Sports proposal. This post is intended as a general discussion post regarding site scope. Specifically as of 24-06-27, I would like feedba...
I created the AI tech proposal primarily because I thought it would be good to have a place to discuss doing stuff with AI models rather than the details of how they are trained and how they work. ...
The current description says: “politics” as human social phenomena which come from humanity’s tendency for subjectivity - that people may have fundamentally different beliefs, preferences, or wi...
Would the proposed Home Improvement community be open to questions about "house stuff" more broadly? I have in mind not just home improvement, but household operations more generally. I'd been co...
Every question in the Incubator Q&A category should have 1 or more tags for a proposed community, so that it is clear which community or communities the question is intended for. Currently it ...
I want to propose a new website to be launched at Codidact. How can I formally make this proposal?
Hello. I have seen that the post view isn't shown. But it would be very helpful to see post views. Please add it.
I remember seeing some Finance questions on our Incubator Q&A? Where did they go? I can't find them!
Is economics considered on topic for "everyday science"? There are many everyday situations which seem counterintuitive from an economics perspective, but a closer look reveals interesting forces ...
Home Improvement seems like a site where recommendation type questions might happen quite frequently, including product/component recommendations as well as tool recommendations. I think these can ...
We should add proposals.codidact.com to the main site https://codidact.com/. The natural place to put it IMO would be at the end of the listed communities, just after meta.codidact.
There are some acronyms related to home improvement that are very well known: OSB, MDF, PVC. Most people who know the material they refer to, know the acronym. In fact, I would guess that a lot of ...
Some Codidact communities have MathJax enabled, while others do not. Each community decides whether they want MathJax based on weighing up the advantages and disadvantages. However, Codidact Propo...
Meta issue: https://meta.codidact.com/posts/288441 I uploaded an image into this question: How accurate are the browser usage statistics at caniuse.com? However it isn't showing up. When I upl...
Is it possible to have special features enabled in the Incubator Q&A? I have tried to port one of my an answers for a question on Machine Learning, but it was written for markdown with MathJax...
A healthy community requires both activity and people. The Incubator Q&A category is the place to build activity (and Meta is the place to flesh out issues that come up in doing so), but we'd ...
Could number of characters required in the title of descriptions be lowered from 15 to 4? I would have liked to name my proposal just "Webmasters," but that is too short. It seems like the propose...
If I design a board game, can I list Tabletop Games Codidact as a place to ask any questions? Does this depend on whether the game is free or paid for? Does this depend on whether the game is open...
"Incubator Q&A" should be the default landing page when users go to proposals.codidact.com. The idea here is that whenever you propose a site, you can post some questions (and answers) to Incu...
Is it better to put site proposal descriptions in tag descriptions, rather than posts?
I am trying to edit the title of https://proposals.codidact.com/posts/288625 to simplify it. However, the text box for title goes red and I can't do so. How can I edit the title?
Should questions about selling one's crafts be on topic? It seems common for people in the crafts community to sell their creations online (on sites like Etsy) and offline (in fairs, festivals and...
Please use this question for the discussion about site scope (on-/off-topic) for the Video Games site proposal. Answers below should make an argument regarding whether something should be on-topic...
The recent Tabletop Games proposal proposes a Game Review/Blog category for non-Q&A-format posts. Could we add article posts to the Incubator to test this idea out?