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Descriptions of proposed communities: address scope, overlaps or edge cases, where the user community is coming from if known, and other details. More information.
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Worldbuilding Description This is a community embracing and bringing together worldbuilders, writers, poets and dreamers searching for help and inspiration to bring their creative stories, RPGs, ...
Site Name Artificial Life Description A community for anyone interested in Artificial Life, the cross-disciplinary study of life and its abstract processes, distinct from but cross-informed by t...
Pitch It's one of the most essential topics. A driver for attracting more people and presumably the topics with the largest fan group behind it! Think of all the Trekkies, StarWars'ler, LOTR, GOT...
You need someinput on your world-to-build or story-to-be? You enjoy writing or solving mental riddles and thought experiments? You would like to brainstorm to get a little kickstart to get you goin...
Site Name Politics Description I, perhaps unconventionally (but I would be interested to know if the idea mirrors any previous thinkers), define “politics” as human social phenomena which come f...
I am migrating a proposal from the old system on behalf of others. This post doesn't yet follow our template; it's a cut/paste so that people who actually understand GIS can have a starting point....
Site Name Amateur Radio Description This is for questions about the theory of amateur radio (also known as ham radio) Topics Topics covered would include: Antenna construction Software bug...
Site Name Anti-consumerism Description Discussion of theory and practical advice for reducing the impact of consumerism in daily life. This often coincides with low-tech, primitivism, DIY, fruga...
Site Name Philosophy Description Philosophy is a highly general and fundamental subject which often inquires into the nature of intellectual inquiry itself. It addresses life’s “big questions”, ...
Site Name Computer Science Description The Computer Science (CS) community is a platform for computer science students, researchers, and anyone interested in computer science. Topics Topics co...
Site Name Home Improvement Description Questions about renovating, repairing, maintaining and building one's own home. Topics Topics covered would include: Any questions pertaining to work ...
Site name Video Games Description A community for video game players, developers, and those dedicated to or interested in video games. Topics The site will combine playing and developing games...
The Machine Learning (ML) community aims to provide a platform for anyone interested in helping computers learn from data. We mainly target people with backgrounds in data science, machine learnin...
Site Name communities.codidact.com Description The site is about part-time human communities. How to manage, run, create, participate in them and solve common problems. Topics Topics covered w...
Site Name Invasive Species Short Description What species are invasive, how to identify them, how they effect the native ecosystem, and how to deal with them. Background This section is long, ...
Site Name Everyday Science Description For interdisciplinary questions about the world around us, examining reality from an XKCD perspective. Topics Topics covered would include: Lay scie...
Site Name Open Source Software Description A site for people to ask about the open-source ecosystem, licensing, and other topics related to open-source software. Topics Topics covered would in...
Site Name Accounting Description I quote r/Accounting. The most basic definition of accounting is to track and communicate financial information or data about an organization or entity to sta...
Site Name Tabletop Games (Is this too confusing with TRPG?) Description Questions about all types of tabletop games -- board games, card games, dice games, and others. Questions about playing ...
Site name Webmasters (Meta discussion of the name) Description Questions and answers about building, deploying, maintaining, operating, monetizing, and marketing websites. Topics Topics covere...
Site name: Arts & Crafts Description: Questions and answers about creating arts and craft Topics Topics covered by this site would include: Questions concerning painting, drawing, knitt...