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Incubator Q&A

Welcome to the staging ground for new communities! Each proposal has a description in the "Descriptions" category and a body of questions and answers in "Incubator Q&A". You can ask questions (and get answers, we hope!) right away, and start new proposals.

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Questions, answers, and other posts tied to current proposals. Ask questions, post articles, and create wiki pages as you would post them on the "live" site. This "incubator" is how we develop proposals and their scope.

Because some proposals include article-based categories alongside Q&A, we've enabled articles and wiki posts here. This means you'll need to choose a post type when creating a new post in this category.

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+1 −0
What would be the pros and cons of a soldier having only mechanical arms and legs and a mostly organic torso and would be even be practical

Backstory I had an idea of a large project to breed specialized soldiers who will be used to fight and kill members of a story-specific group known for being super powered with some of these soldi...

1 answer  ·  posted 7d ago by Melchizadek ‭  ·  last activity 7d ago by Olin Lathrop‭

+3 −0
How can Typst check whether a string is alphanumeric?

I personally think that alphanumeric postal codes (such as used in the UK, Canada, and Ireland) look best in small block capitals and old-style numbers. So I created a postcode function to do that:...

0 answers  ·  posted 14d ago by TRiG‭

Question typst
+1 −0
Which method of lifeforms shooting fire would be better in real life, gaseous chemicals or liquid chemicals

So I've been noticing that when it comes to most of my character and monster designs involving shooting fire most of them do this primarily through chemical reactions using gasses such as methane l...

1 answer  ·  posted 23d ago by Melchizadek ‭  ·  edited 15d ago by Monica Cellio‭

+4 −0
Earliest first-person view multi-player computer game?

Today we take multi-player first-person view computer games for granted, but what was the first one? When was that? What did it run on? Who were the players? What was it like? Any interesting ...

1 answer  ·  posted 1mo ago by Olin Lathrop‭  ·  last activity 1mo ago by Olin Lathrop‭

Question video-games history
+2 −1
What would be the potential of cellular cybernetics and it be more or less practical than nanoscopic robotics

So as I was thinking about characterizations I started thinking about cybernetics, and I started to wonder about the concept of cellular cybernetics and what the possibilities of such technology wo...

0 answers  ·  posted 2mo ago by Melchizadek ‭  ·  edited 1mo ago by trichoplax‭

+1 −0
Is this the neatest way to draw strokes on a Typst table?

Is there a more idiomatic way to create a table like this? What I wrote (after a fair bit of trial and error) did achieve the result I was looking for, but the stroke commands seem a bit complex a...

0 answers  ·  posted 2mo ago by TRiG‭

+2 −0
Does a leaking underground gas pipe reliably show symptoms?

I live in the US midwest (we have all four seasons). Most houses here use natural gas for heating (and usually some appliances), and many homes are about a hundred years old. The main supply from...

2 answers  ·  posted 2mo ago by Monica Cellio‭  ·  last activity 2mo ago by manassehkatz‭

+0 −0
Which is larger: 4^(6^5) or 5^(3^8)?

This is a [calculation-puzzle], which is a puzzle that involves numerical calculations, generally using the basic operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Without using a...

0 answers  ·  posted 2mo ago by CrSb0001‭

+1 −0
Which versions of Atomic Heart include all the content DLCs?

I wish to buy Atomic Heart from Steam.[1] I want all the playable DLCs (skins etc don't matter), current and upcoming. Which version of the game I should get? Here are the options: "Default" G...

1 answer  ·  posted 2mo ago by Iizuki‭  ·  edited 2mo ago by Iizuki‭

+0 −2
If someone had vibration based superpowers how would their powers react underwater

I had an idea for a character who can emit very powerful vibrations. As I thought about the possibility of how this character's vibration powers would work I eventually started to wonder how would ...

1 answer  ·  posted 3mo ago by Melchizadek ‭  ·  edited 3mo ago by Melchizadek ‭

+1 −1
How many megahertz of vibrations would it take to Shatter solid rock

Backstory: I had an idea of someone who can generate powerful vibrations that can either be used to amplify physical attacks or fire these vibrations in a direct oscillating stream for ranged atta...

1 answer  ·  posted 3mo ago by Melchizadek ‭  ·  last activity 3mo ago by Olin Lathrop‭

Question worldbuilding
+2 −1
Alternatives to engineered wood wall sheathing

In North America, it is common to build wood-frame houses with pieces of lumber making up the frame and OSB boards acting as wall sheathing. The OSB sheathing reinforces the frame against various ...

1 answer  ·  posted 1y ago by matthewsnyder‭  ·  last activity 3mo ago by Spamalot‭

+2 −0
Could a winged humanoid with two sets of wing types (one set on the back and one set on the arms) function properly

So, I've been experimenting with this idea of someone with the power of winged flight. The details about said character I haven't fully figured out and might not make. That said, I have a basic ide...

1 answer  ·  posted 4mo ago by Melchizadek ‭  ·  last activity 4mo ago by honnza‭

+2 −3
Is it possible to indoctrinate child soldiers to the point of being robotic in science fiction setting

Backstory: So I had an idea where there's this secret society type organization with a specialized super-powered group to deal with serious and major threats. After something of a civil war breaks...

0 answers  ·  posted 4mo ago by Melchizadek ‭  ·  edited 4mo ago by Melchizadek ‭

Question worldbuilding
+0 −0
Do I have to add a new card to my deck to unlock it?

After winning battles in the game you are presented with card options to add to your deck, some of which are new. Later you can craft cards, but only if they're "unlocked". Do I need to pick the ca...

1 answer  ·  posted 4mo ago by Iizuki‭  ·  last activity 4mo ago by Iizuki‭

+5 −0
How do I make a communal crypt?

Death is a part of life. and it's a huge part of Dwarf Fortress. I need to get everyone buried after my fort had a little fun, but people aren't putting the corpses in coffins. I tried designating ...

1 answer  ·  posted 4mo ago by Ullallulloo‭  ·  last activity 4mo ago by Lundin‭

+2 −0
Does the game's ending lock you out of existing progress and unfinished missions?

After starting act 3, is it possible to return to the game as before? Act 3's first mission, Nocturne OP55N1, is described as a "point of no return", but it also states that all side jobs and other...

1 answer  ·  posted 4mo ago by Andreas demands justice for humanity‭  ·  last activity 4mo ago by Lundin‭

+0 −0
How much exposure to nudity and pornography is there in Cyberpunk?

Is nudity an integral part of the gameplay, or is it something in the background that can be reasonably ignored, to enjoy the game mostly free of this element?

1 answer  ·  posted 4mo ago by Andreas demands justice for humanity‭  ·  last activity 4mo ago by Andreas demands justice for humanity‭

+0 −0
How prevalent is violence and gore in Cyberpunk?

How graphical is Cyberpunk when it comes to violence and gore? Is this game best avoided if I struggle with dead bodies, blood splatter, and possibly, decapitated limbs? Will I find these elements ...

1 answer  ·  posted 4mo ago by Andreas demands justice for humanity‭  ·  last activity 4mo ago by Andreas demands justice for humanity‭

+0 −0
How are drugs portrayed in Cyberpunk, and how invasive on the gameplay experience do they feel?

I have previously played GTA V, but have since realized I would likely not be able to replay that game due to how uncomfortable the use of drugs in that game would make me feel. Cyberpunk obviously...

1 answer  ·  posted 4mo ago by Andreas demands justice for humanity‭  ·  last activity 4mo ago by Andreas demands justice for humanity‭

+1 −0
Does Cyberpunk feature intentional torture of characters in the game?

Does Cyberpunk feature intentional torture in any sense? Will the player ever witness any sort of harsh torture, be it physical or mental? Is the game designed such that the player themself will co...

0 answers  ·  posted 4mo ago by Andreas demands justice for humanity‭

+4 −0
What are reasonable limitations for probability-manipulating magic?

I'm imagining a sort of magic that only manipulates probabilities. That is, you cannot achieve something that's against the laws of nature (for example, you cannot create energy out of nothing), bu...

2 answers  ·  posted 4mo ago by celtschk‭  ·  last activity 4mo ago by Olin Lathrop‭

Question worldbuilding magic
+5 −0
Would it make sense for an organization that has existed for centuries not remember its own origins

Backstory: In my story there's this organization that is kind like of movie version of Men in Black combined with the Kingsmen where they hide in the shadows and maintain order in the world. Now t...

1 answer  ·  posted 4mo ago by Melchizadek ‭  ·  last activity 4mo ago by John C‭

Question worldbuilding
+5 −2
What is the benefit of mechanical keyboards?

I've heard people talk about how mechanical keyboards are better. But they seem to be much more expensive than regular ones ($100+). What is the benefit of using them over regular ones?

3 answers  ·  posted 7mo ago by matthewsnyder‭  ·  last activity 5mo ago by Michael‭

Question shopping keyboard
+2 −1
What would be a good way to counter someone with supernatural fire powers and close quarter weapons?

Backstory I had an idea of a large project to breed specialized soldiers who will be used to fight and kill members of a story-specific group known for being super powered. Theses soldiers are bre...

1 answer  ·  posted 5mo ago by Melchizadek ‭  ·  edited 5mo ago by Antares‭

Question worldbuilding
+6 −0
What could be a believable reason for technologically advanced underground people to not notice the end of surface war for hundreds of years?

Consider the following scenario: We are in a far future. Technology has advanced quite a bit. A large, devastating global war has broken out. One faction decides to hide from that war underground...

12 answers  ·  posted 5mo ago by celtschk‭  ·  last activity 5mo ago by matthewsnyder‭

Question worldbuilding
+5 −1
What's the least traumatic way to integrate resurrected historical humans into modern society?

In a fictional alternate version of present-day Earth, scientists have found a way to resurrect people from the past en masse. The resurrected will have bodies that resemble their original ones bu...

4 answers  ·  posted 5mo ago by Monica Cellio‭  ·  last activity 5mo ago by matthewsnyder‭

+2 −0
Bringing Adventurer 5M Pro's base plate down after finishing a print

I have a Flashforge Adventurer 5M Pro 3D printer. I'm using Orca Slicer to prepare the print files and then transfer them to the printer via a thumb drive. After a print is finished, the base plat...

1 answer  ·  posted 5mo ago by samcarter‭  ·  last activity 5mo ago by samcarter‭

+1 −1
How to fix corrupted world data after increasing the world height with a datapack?

I increased the vertical height of my world yet again by lowering the min_y and increasing the height values in the existing datapack I've already used for 2 years, whose sole purpose is to provide...

1 answer  ·  posted 5mo ago by Andreas demands justice for humanity‭  ·  last activity 5mo ago by Andreas demands justice for humanity‭

+2 −1
Prevent kelp from growing past a certain height

How I do prevent kelp from continuing to grow past a certain height? For aesthetic purposes, I'd like to keep it to a specific height.

2 answers  ·  posted 5mo ago by Andreas demands justice for humanity‭  ·  edited 5mo ago by Monica Cellio‭

+5 −1
Would it make sense for an entity who can control tangible and/or intangible materials be able to manipulate electricity but not light?

I have this idea about people with "Psionic" power. Psionics in my story are primarily beings able to emit and/or manipulate a special energy field from within that takes physical form. They can ex...

3 answers  ·  posted 5mo ago by Melchizadek ‭  ·  last activity 5mo ago by Antares‭

+5 −0
Is Kant's categorical imperative applicable to Q&A sites like Codidact?

On sites like Codidact, the question often arises about what rules should be imposed on user behavior. What is a good question? What is a good answer? What behaviors are desirable and which are not...

3 answers  ·  posted 12mo ago by matthewsnyder‭  ·  edited 5mo ago by matthewsnyder‭

+1 −0
Shaders incorrectly render lower parts of vertically extended worlds

I have an older Minecraft world first created almost a decade ago, as a superflat desert world. In MC 1.18 or 1.19, I increased the world height with a simple data pack to y ∈ [-256, 1024]. Unfortu...

1 answer  ·  posted 6mo ago by Andreas demands justice for humanity‭  ·  last activity 5mo ago by Andreas demands justice for humanity‭

+2 −0
Does Distant Horizons permanently generate vanilla chunks past the vanilla rendering distance?

When Distant Horizons generates LODs for chunks past the vanilla rendering distance, does it generate full chunks and store them permanently, like when vanilla Minecraft generates them, or does it ...

0 answers  ·  posted 5mo ago by Andreas demands justice for humanity‭

+1 −0
Is time reverse possible in Minecraft?

Say I wanted to make a "time machine" using command blocks. I can use /time add to change the time and make things faster, but I don't know how to subtract time as a /time subtract command doesn't ...

2 answers  ·  posted 1y ago by General Sebast1an‭  ·  last activity 5mo ago by Andreas demands justice for humanity‭

+1 −0
Set shader settings only for specific world

Is there a way I can change the shader settings, but only for one world? When I change the settings in the pause menu, they get set for the whole game; all worlds and multiplayer is affected.

0 answers  ·  posted 5mo ago by Andreas demands justice for humanity‭

+0 −0
How do I increase the height of my world?

I have a world that I made a few years ago. I've built a lot in it, but realized that I've hit a stopblock. I need more vertical space. Can I somehow increase the build height limits, both below an...

1 answer  ·  posted 5mo ago by Andreas demands justice for humanity‭  ·  last activity 5mo ago by Moshi‭

+4 −0
What would be the best way to breathe for a creature that shoots fire from its mouth?

I've had an idea where there's this humanoid based life-form that has no real origin other than being found on some remote island. Kind of like skull island and seems be a complete anomaly in the n...

2 answers  ·  posted 5mo ago by Melchizadek ‭  ·  last activity 5mo ago by Olin Lathrop‭

+1 −0
Change biome for entire world

How do I change the biome for a massive amount of blocks, possibly the entire world (existing generated chunks only)?

1 answer  ·  posted 5mo ago by Andreas demands justice for humanity‭  ·  last activity 5mo ago by Andreas demands justice for humanity‭

+0 −0
A little riddle / Creative Challenge: Pressure Plates in a Dungeon

This is an initial post for the proposal of a new community: Creative Challenges. Please feel free to answer here or post more questions in the spirit of this one. Do not restrict yourself on the ...

1 answer  ·  posted 5mo ago by Antares‭  ·  edited 5mo ago by Antares‭

+4 −0
What is the gender distribution in each of the Star Wars trilogies?

What is the gender distribution in each of the Star Wars trilogies, and how does it distribute over each faction or group, such as the separatist droid army, empire officers, jedi, etc? I am somew...

0 answers  ·  posted 5mo ago by Andreas demands justice for humanity‭

+2 −2
What can I do with used disposable batteries?

What can I do with used up disposable batteries, such as AA/AAA? It used to be that these had to be separated so they can be put through a special remediation process. However, apparently that was...

3 answers  ·  posted 11mo ago by matthewsnyder‭  ·  last activity 5mo ago by Andreas demands justice for humanity‭

+0 −0
In Mistwind, do you pay krill to leave a krill port?

When moving a transport whale in Mistwind, you need to pay one krill when departing a port unless you have an outpost or another transport there. The presumption is that you can get the needed kri...

0 answers  ·  posted 5mo ago by Monica Cellio‭

+5 −1
How do I find a good dumb TV?

A lot of TVs on the market these days are "Smart TVs" which I don't want. I've had smart TVs in the past and found that I don't use any of their features. Further, the software is often laggy, bugg...

3 answers  ·  posted 11mo ago by matthewsnyder‭  ·  last activity 5mo ago by Antares‭

+1 −1
Could a philosophical zombie verify that it is a philosophical zombie?

A philosophical zombie is an entity that is externally, behaviorally indistinguishable from some conscious entity, but lacks inner conscious experience, a.k.a. qualia. See articles “Zombies” and “...

1 answer  ·  posted 12mo ago by Julius H.‭  ·  last activity 5mo ago by Antares‭

+4 −0
How do I search for d6 dice with a blank 6th face?

I haven't found what I'm looking for online, so I'm wondering if there is a specialist term for this type of dice that would give me better luck. What I'm seeking I'm looking for dice that are id...

3 answers  ·  posted 8mo ago by trichoplax‭  ·  last activity 5mo ago by Antares‭

+2 −0
Prevent offhand item from being used when selecting an area

In darker spaces, I often hold a light source block in the offhand to light up the area around me, such that I can see properly. However, when I use the wooden axe to select pos2 of a working area,...

0 answers  ·  posted 6mo ago by Andreas demands justice for humanity‭  ·  edited 6mo ago by Michael‭

+0 −0
Do datapacks have to list every single attribute of a type?

When modifying the configuration of a type in Minecraft with datapacks, does the datapack have to override every single attribute of that type, or will Minecraft use the defaults of a type if they ...

0 answers  ·  posted 6mo ago by Andreas demands justice for humanity‭

+2 −1
How to change weapon aiming mode

How do I switch between weapon aiming modes? I must have tapped something on my keyboard by mistake, since my weapon no longer aims in the optic sight, but in third person instead.

1 answer  ·  posted 6mo ago by Andreas demands justice for humanity‭  ·  edited 6mo ago by Andreas demands justice for humanity‭

+2 −0
What are the pros and cons of direct vs indirect conflict resolution?

Occasionally a situation develops in a community of people where two members come into some personal conflict. Let's suppose that neither member is doing anything particularly against the community...

0 answers  ·  posted 7mo ago by matthewsnyder‭