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Occasionally a situation develops in a community of people where two members come into some personal conflict. Let's suppose that neither member is doing anything particularly against the community...
Which game first introduced the concept of rolling dice to determine a direction? I'm designing a board game and I know which game gave me this idea[1] but I doubt it was the first to use it. I'm ...
There is a common notion that bonds and stocks hedge each other: When business is not going well, companies borrow money to make up for sales and investments drying up, and government (especially K...
Apparently, ETFs have a "potential cap gains exposure" in that, when the ETF buys and sells some underlying asset, it is subject to capital gains tax. Supposedly, this leads to things like buying a...
When society creates laws to govern themselves, do they simply codify what has already been established practice in society? For example, when a law is written that forbids theft, is this because s...
Philosophically, what role does police serve in society? Today, virtually every society has a police force. So, it seems like there must be some compelling reason to have one, i.e. police must ser...
Do laws only matter if there is a police force enforcing them? Police in the modern sense is a recent development. Before the 19th century, police forces as today were very rare. But people have m...
There is a lot of debate about the "cognitive" capabilities of LLMs and LLM-based chatbots, like ChatGPT. It's common to see statements like "these models just apply statistical pattern matching" a...
Note: I checked that the solution is in fact unique using this Picat program created by SE user Bubbler. Background So back in March, I posted this question on the Puzzling Stack Exchange asking ...
What books (or other sources) would you recommend for folks wanting to learn about intentional community building?
Is there a specification meta-language for logics? A formal language which can express, “a logic with variable symbols, unary predicates, and connectives”?
OSB boards often have a stamp that says "strength axis" with an arrow, usually parallel with the longer dimension of the board. What is this strength axis? Should it be parallel or perpendicular t...
I've mostly worked with pine wood, because it's cheap and easy to work with. I've had some projects where I finished it (polyurethane coat, sometimes a stain) and other projects where I didn't (jus...
I have a cheap drill press and a set of cheap spade bits. Some of the spade bits wobble, the tip makes a circle of as much as 5 mm in diameter for some of them. Others wobble less, 1-2 mm. Since t...
I have a 1/2in OSB board with "32/16" stamped on it. This means that when used as flooring, it the supporting joists must be spaced 16in or denser (32 is for roofing). However, if I did put it on ...
I've just gotten a copy of Railways of the World after playing and enjoying a few games. The eastern-US map is physically very large and "artistic". I and some of my friends have vision problems ...
So 6 months ago, I posted this puzzle on Puzzling Stack Exchange that was part of my "Filling in an 8x8 minesweeper grid with mines" puzzle series. This specific one was based on Day 30 of the Mine...
The Steam Deck comes with an OS which is basically a customized Arch, plus Steam, Plasma and some extra programs. The Steam Deck mounts most system dirs as read only, so for example it's not possi...
Common general-purpose battery types available on the market today are: Disposable batteries, usually with some sort of zinc chemistry Older, generic rechargeable batteries, usually nickel chem...
I've noticed that it's possible to use DNS Name multiple times, so that a TLS certificate will cover multiple domains. Alternatively, you could generate a separate cert for each domain. What are ...
Consider the following claim: In any causal relationship X -> Y, it is always possible to find an intermediate effect A such that X -> A -> Y. This is a claim about nature, not our c...
What exactly are the steps to creating your own TLS certificates such that they create minimal error messages for users? For example, a simple self-signed certificate will trigger a lot of errors ...
Science tends to discover knowledge by performing experiments in the lab. For example, suppose we have a hypothesis that a volume V of atmospheric air, when compressed quickly to a certain ratio, ...
How does climate change research establish causality? For example, when it is said that human activity causes global warming, what sort of logic is used to justify this claim? Let's not get into t...
Where can I get a high-quality, ergonomic mouse with a dedicated middle click button? I use "ergonomic" loosely, in the sense of "doesn't hurt to use all day". It doesn't have to have a special ...
Is the historical method a scientific method? When I was a child in grade school, I learned that "The Scientific Method" had the following steps: Observe a phenomenon: find things by curious ex...
If I'm looking to pay someone to replace my floors (eg. carpet, laminate, hardwood), what is this service called? Would I be looking for a contractor, handyman, floorer or something else? I am ask...
When explaining a piece of knowledge, sometimes the explanation is short and simple and other times it is long and complex. Some people put the burden on the explainer, and demand that they make i...
I only have a working knowledge of TLS. TLS today supports name constraints, to restrict which domains a CA can issue certs for: https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc5280#section- I've seen ...
Since self-signed server certs are discouraged nowadays, often people create their own root CA and sign server certs with that. Obviously client apps won't trust the root CA, so the admin must the...
I think there may be a common fallacy which I do not know if it has been given a name and a fully developed, possibly mathematical, argument. The idea is something like a basic fallacy of assuming...
Socrates was fond of engaging in philosophical discourse where he would simply ask questions and not make any statements or assertions. This created a situation where all the conclusions come from ...
I've discovered that I can capture syndicate thugs in pal spheres. I can then have them fight for me or work in my base like regular pals. The thugs I caught (around level 10) seemed pretty useles...
I've discovered that I can capture syndicate thugs in pal spheres. It appears that I can then summon them to fight for me or work in my base like other pals. The message when I capture says that "...
To upgrade my base, I need to build 2 fluffy pal beds. However, in the tech tree, I can't find this building. Some techs are locked because "I haven't caught the right Pal yet", but which Pal do I...
In the last 5-10 years, I've noticed that many searches (especially Google) about technical or semi-technical questions, have the results clogged with "content farm" results. It's hard to precisel...
a formal system is a system of axioms equipped with rules of inference, which allow one to generate new theorems. The set of axioms is required to be finite or at least decidable, i.e., there mus...
In order to understand Gödel’s theorems, one must first explain the key concepts essential to it, such as “formal system”, “consistency”, and “completeness”. Roughly, a formal system is a system ...
In the following scenario: A person is not running for President of the U.S. Somehow, they receive a large number of votes as a write-in candidate, and secure the election victory. They decline ...
From what conceptual framework could one derive self-consistent ethical principles about how to distinguish between situations in which people’s right to privacy enables them to choose what data ot...
In a small call center which handles many calls, the internet suddenly went down. This led to major workplace disruptions the entire day, lost business, and stress. A small business depends on thei...
The following is cross-posted from Stack Exchange for catching my eye: Schopenhauer already defined "intentionality". There is a part in his philosophy where he separates representation into subj...
It is common nowadays for the term “colonialism” to have a default morally negative connotation. But, what really is colonialism, and is it always bad? Why/why not?
What are some developed ethical theories and frameworks regarding killing? For example, is it ever ethically justified to kill? When, under what circumstances, and why?
What is a good way to send occasional updates (like meeting times) to a small group of people (5-20) electronically? I see a lot of groups like this create a Facebook page and post updates on ther...
If I want to use chat GPT or other large language model AI to generate content for my website, will that be a good strategy for SEO? Can search engines detect and penalize content that was written...
I want to buy an electrical device for cold smoking food. From what I read, the temperature of the food must stay below 80F for cold smoking. When I search for electrical smokers, most products qu...
I visited a site that I use infrequently and got a certificate error, specifically NET:ERR_CERT_AUTHORITY_INVALID. I contacted the owner, who asked for a screenshot. That surprised me, as I had a...