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Posts tagged video-games
Today we take multi-player first-person view computer games for granted, but what was the first one? When was that? What did it run on? Who were the players? What was it like? Any interesting ...
I wish to buy Atomic Heart from Steam.[1] I want all the playable DLCs (skins etc don't matter), current and upcoming. Which version of the game I should get? Here are the options: "Default" G...
Something that could give us a bit of life and community beyond information-based content, would be a way for us to share experiences and highlights from our own game-playing experiences. Arqade SE...
After winning battles in the game you are presented with card options to add to your deck, some of which are new. Later you can craft cards, but only if they're "unlocked". Do I need to pick the ca...
Death is a part of life. and it's a huge part of Dwarf Fortress. I need to get everyone buried after my fort had a little fun, but people aren't putting the corpses in coffins. I tried designating ...
After starting act 3, is it possible to return to the game as before? Act 3's first mission, Nocturne OP55N1, is described as a "point of no return", but it also states that all side jobs and other...
Is nudity an integral part of the gameplay, or is it something in the background that can be reasonably ignored, to enjoy the game mostly free of this element?
How graphical is Cyberpunk when it comes to violence and gore? Is this game best avoided if I struggle with dead bodies, blood splatter, and possibly, decapitated limbs? Will I find these elements ...
I have previously played GTA V, but have since realized I would likely not be able to replay that game due to how uncomfortable the use of drugs in that game would make me feel. Cyberpunk obviously...
Does Cyberpunk feature intentional torture in any sense? Will the player ever witness any sort of harsh torture, be it physical or mental? Is the game designed such that the player themself will co...
I increased the vertical height of my world yet again by lowering the min_y and increasing the height values in the existing datapack I've already used for 2 years, whose sole purpose is to provide...
How I do prevent kelp from continuing to grow past a certain height? For aesthetic purposes, I'd like to keep it to a specific height.
I have an older Minecraft world first created almost a decade ago, as a superflat desert world. In MC 1.18 or 1.19, I increased the world height with a simple data pack to y ∈ [-256, 1024]. Unfortu...
When Distant Horizons generates LODs for chunks past the vanilla rendering distance, does it generate full chunks and store them permanently, like when vanilla Minecraft generates them, or does it ...
Say I wanted to make a "time machine" using command blocks. I can use /time add to change the time and make things faster, but I don't know how to subtract time as a /time subtract command doesn't ...
Is there a way I can change the shader settings, but only for one world? When I change the settings in the pause menu, they get set for the whole game; all worlds and multiplayer is affected.
I have a world that I made a few years ago. I've built a lot in it, but realized that I've hit a stopblock. I need more vertical space. Can I somehow increase the build height limits, both below an...
How do I change the biome for a massive amount of blocks, possibly the entire world (existing generated chunks only)?
In darker spaces, I often hold a light source block in the offhand to light up the area around me, such that I can see properly. However, when I use the wooden axe to select pos2 of a working area,...
When modifying the configuration of a type in Minecraft with datapacks, does the datapack have to override every single attribute of that type, or will Minecraft use the defaults of a type if they ...
How do I switch between weapon aiming modes? I must have tapped something on my keyboard by mistake, since my weapon no longer aims in the optic sight, but in third person instead.
The Steam Deck comes with an OS which is basically a customized Arch, plus Steam, Plasma and some extra programs. The Steam Deck mounts most system dirs as read only, so for example it's not possi...
I've discovered that I can capture syndicate thugs in pal spheres. I can then have them fight for me or work in my base like regular pals. The thugs I caught (around level 10) seemed pretty useles...
I've discovered that I can capture syndicate thugs in pal spheres. It appears that I can then summon them to fight for me or work in my base like other pals. The message when I capture says that "...
To upgrade my base, I need to build 2 fluffy pal beds. However, in the tech tree, I can't find this building. Some techs are locked because "I haven't caught the right Pal yet", but which Pal do I...
Site name Video Games Description A community for video game players, developers, and those dedicated to or interested in video games. Topics The site will combine playing and developing games...
Occasionally when I'm in a lane, I'll get 40-something gold when I seemingly didn't do anything. It flashes the amount above my head and makes the gold clinking sounds like I last-hit a creep, but ...
In Zelda Tears of the Kingdom you can feed luminous stones to animals called "dondons" which then later produce gems. How do you optimize this process? You can feed each dondon up to 5 stones, bu...
When cooked in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom or in Breath of the Wild, hearty ingredients produce food that completely fill up your hearts and give you extra temporary hearts. They are some of the mo...
Please use this question for the discussion about site scope (on-/off-topic) for the Video Games site proposal. Answers below should make an argument regarding whether something should be on-topic...
Steam by Valve is a popular game platform and storefront. Features of Steam include: Purchasing games Running games (in fact, using Steam is mandatory games purchased on Steam) Compatibility a...
When questions in Video Games are about a specific game, should we expect askers to put that game's name in the title? Or is it enough to merely tag it with that game.
How do I create new cities (white labels on the map)? I saw the "Make City" tool, but I can't figure out how to use it. How does it work?
On harder difficulties, it's easy to run out of money in the beginning and get stuck with no way to progress. How can I create a positive cash flow early on?
When I want to extend my power lines, I first have to delete some so I can add a power switch. Sometimes I also have to delete entire power line sections so I can move them further out. But in real...
In Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic, the realistic mode requires bringing workers to construction sites and paying money to instantly complete is not allowed. But how will I build my first...