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Posts tagged machine-learning
There is a lot of debate about the "cognitive" capabilities of LLMs and LLM-based chatbots, like ChatGPT. It's common to see statements like "these models just apply statistical pattern matching" a...
I created the AI tech proposal primarily because I thought it would be good to have a place to discuss doing stuff with AI models rather than the details of how they are trained and how they work. ...
Many natural language processing models begin by taking text and converting it to a vector where each element is a number representing some semantic entity (I would say each number is a word, but a...
When people talk about fine tuning LLMs, it sounds a lot like glorified transfer learning. Is it the same thing, or is it a distinct technique? What are the differences?
The Machine Learning (ML) community aims to provide a platform for anyone interested in helping computers learn from data. We mainly target people with backgrounds in data science, machine learnin...
In machine learning there seem to be various types of learning. I commonly hear about supervised learning, unsupervised learning, and reinforcement learning. However, it is not always clea...
In unsupervised learning, training data does not have labels. But, how can a model be trained without labels?
Is incremental training the same as transfer learning? What exactly is the difference?
What is hyperparameter tuning? What makes the parameters "hyper"? Is tuning the same as learning or training?
LLMs are trained on a lot of text. At its heart, an LLM is a glorified autocomplete engine. You give it text, and it adds more text that matches the pattern. You need to "direct" the autocomplete,...
Consider a machine learning problem with inputs $\boldsymbol{X} \in \mathbb{R}^{N \times D}$ and corresponding labels $\boldsymbol{y} \in \mathcal{Y}^N$. When the problem is to solve a regression ...
I know what Support Vector Machines (SVMs) are and how they work, but I regularly get confused by what exactly the support vectors are. In case of linearly separable data, the support vectors are ...