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What would be a good way to counter someone with supernatural fire powers and close quarter weapons? Question



I had an idea of a large project to breed specialized soldiers who will be used to fight and kill members of a story-specific group known for being super powered. Theses soldiers are bred in a lab from the genes of many of the members of the super-powered group with one being the offspring of a male member who has power over fire.

Technical Information

The lab subject in question (who shall be referred as the "char" for now) has the power to generate and control fire and has physical immunity to fire and intense heat. Now he's usually seen always on fire possibly as an intimidation display (though I may change the reason later on). I'm thinking about adding projectiles that can be fired at high speeds but this is subject to change. He has limited amounts of cybernetics built into him and how much cybernetics augmentations is still up in the air but ultimately all limbs are natural and organic.

His father (who for now shall be deemed as the "target") has the same powers (minus the launching spikes) except for reasons within the story he is stronger and more powerful and uses firearms and explosives. The target is also well known for using breaching tools (fireman axes, sledge hammers, crowbar, etc) as close quarter weapons.

Question Conditions

As I came up with this character one problem I was facing is how he was going to directly counter his target since even though char is immune to fire so is the target. In addition he is physically stronger than the char and will likely resort to his previously mentioned close quarter weapons which will make it difficult for the char to fight the target since he's literally immune to the very exact power he's using.

Now the target is immune to fire and heat but not much else which is where the launching projectiles come in to deal some damage at a range and make it less desirable to fight him at range using guns and char's fire would counter any and all explosives the target uses. But as far as close quarters go I'm pretty stumped on how the char can counter the target using his typical close range weapons like axes and sledgehammers. I've considered giving him claws but I already have a few characters who are armed with such weapons so I want something different with him.

In short:

  • Char: fire generation and control (fire breath, always on fire as intimidation), fire&heat resistant, cybernetics implants including spikes that he shoots from his body from his body (close range) (whether this ability is the results of biology or technology is subject to change), could have claws maybe (but not the favored solution)
  • Target: Same as char (but not the projectiles) and additionally: muscularly stronger, using firearms and explosives (long range) and strong melee/close quarter weapons (axes, sledgehammers, crowbars, etc.)

Question: What would be the best way to counter someone with fire powers who uses close quarter weapons?

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Very confusing (3 comments)

1 answer


The situation sounds like a "David vs Goliath", "Kevin home alone" or "Die hard" kind of scenario.

Therefore my idea would be that the Char resorts to cunning, dexterity/agility (if shi is faster than the opponent), distraction and deception instead of direct confrontation in close or long range combat.

Here are some tactics & strategies:

  • Planning the encounter (location and time), prepare the location

  • Planting traps (fire would be great, but not applicable without restrictions here of course)

    • deep pits, catapults hurling heavy things, falling cages, nets, rams, presses, spikes, etc.
    • planting auto-cannons, mines
    • hiring mercenaries (more hands and different weapons, e.g. also long range to stall the opponent at one place and maybe direct to the next trap)
    • using drones (to distract and/or attack; depending on availability even something like a Predator missile could be feasible)
    • using vehicles (car to ram for example)
  • Attacking from behind/cover by sneaking or hiding in a certain spot.

  • Using improvised weapons to attack or block: For example a steel bar as club or preparing some throwing spear or lance (long spear to impale). Hitting on arms and legs to immobilize opponent and make it harder to wield weapons (broken arm would prevent using long or short range weapons effectively).

  • Lure inside a building made from wood. Then setting the place on fire, hoping falling damage will incapacitate or kill the opponent. Combine with setting up spikes and pitfalls maybe.

  • Setup impostor figures/targets resembling the Char. Opponent shoots those down and Char can use the moment of surprise to attack from behind or backtracking opponent with lowered guard because of the supposed victory.

  • Taunting the opponent (e.g. by shouting, speakers, walkie-talkie), taking quick cover again; using prepared hideouts and shortcuts to change places.

  • Wearing out the opponent; making careless, angry and eating up ammo of the long range weapons.

  • Blinding the opponent by reflecting sunlight or using a laserpointer etc.

  • Maybe still use fire against the opponent in the assumption that this does not damage but will still hamper to a great deal, e.g. aiming (long range) and swinging (short range) or generally "spotting/seeing/locating/searching/moving" would probably be hard(er) to achieve when set on fire. Can also be used as a kind of "flashbang" or "throwing dirt" effect when shooting some flames into the face of the opponent in close range combat.

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Not a terrible idea but parts of that wouldn't work too well since my idea was that he would go direc... (7 comments)

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