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How do I make a communal crypt? Question


Death is a part of life. and it's a huge part of Dwarf Fortress. I need to get everyone buried after my fort had a little fun, but people aren't putting the corpses in coffins. I tried designating the room as a tomb and they gave the whole crypt to one guy and put his body in a coffin, but everyone else is still just lying around freaking everyone out. What is the easiest way to get everyone buried without carving out individual rooms for everyone?

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This is indeed a bit confusing. The trick is that you have to form a 1x1 crypt area on top of every single coffin, rather than dragging out a large crypt area. A typical layout for a "communical crypt" could for example be something like:

+  C#

Where # are walls/(smoothed) rock, C are coffins, + is a door. For every C you have to assign a 1x1 crypt area on top of it, so 7 such areas in this case. Furthermore you have to set it as public (I don't remember the specific name of the setting) in order for dwarves to automatically bury citizens there, rather than micro-managing where every single dwarf is buried. All dwarf parts that belonged to the same dwarf will get carried to the same coffin.

Larger crypt areas are realistically only for nobility/those with special roles, who will require a pre-assigned large area fancy tomb, or otherwise get a negative mood bonus.

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Thanks! That does work, and it seems to be public by default. Clicking "Tomb", double-clicking the ti... (1 comment)

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