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Welcome to the staging ground for new communities! Each proposal has a description in the "Descriptions" category and a body of questions and answers in "Incubator Q&A". You can ask questions (and get answers, we hope!) right away, and start new proposals.

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Can I ask Worldbuilding questions here?


I would like to ask something about a world I am designing. Can I ask that here? Is this like in StackExchange and I get closed and downvoted without help?

To the existing members: This is the initial post for the proposal of a Worldbuilding community on Codidact. Before you judge about anything and start downvoting prematurely, keep in mind that there are no rules in place yet because the community had no chance to form yet. Please read the proposal first before you continue reading, to understand the context. Thank you.

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Merger with Scientific Speculation? (1 comment)
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I moved your question to Meta.

Yes, you can ask worldbuilding questions because there is a proposal for that community. Use the worldbuilding tag on your questions to tie them to the proposal. The best way to work out scope etc is with Q&A in the incubator. Thanks for helping to develop this community.

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Please note... (1 comment)

Edit: Because the real community is not existing yet and therefore had no chance on establishing rules of how things would be handled, the following "vision statement" is not really in place (yet).

But there are already some who don't like the idea, which is expressed in the downvotes. I would say those members are not really invested into the idea of Worldbuilding. Very different from those who are or would be invested into the idea.

So, continue with caution. There may be dragons:

Yes! You are very welcome to!

Just post your question in the Incubator Q&A (that is where this question lives)! Any question about Worldbuilding you like.

There is currently no existing community category for worldbuilding. But the Incubator here exists for compensating exactly for that.

In fact, with every question about worldbuilding you help growing a community of worldbuilders here on Codidact. Eventually there will be a community category for it. Have a look at the The Worldbuilding Proposal for details.

You might also find interest in the Creative Challange proposal. You are welcome to post something in that spirit also.

Just let your creativity flow and help us build the community! :)

The concept for worldbuilding here on Codidact is very different from similar forums at SE!

The aim is to integrate all that what is not wanted over there but is in such a large demand by users. You are very welcome to ask for creative input or plausibility checks or whatever is bothering you.

The input on questions we get here determines the future shape of the community. Not the other way around. There are no rules yet which define what-is or what-is-not considered an appropriate question. And there will be a strong focus on creativity in the future.

Worldbuilding is an Art after all! And artists need room to express themselves. Not squeezing themselves into a narrow understanding of what a "good" question is about or only post those questions which have a higher value to others (you cannot predict future value anyway. This value will be generated in the future only by those who come and find the posting that was made in the past... that whole idea on SE is such a non-sense. Don't bother.)

There are only questions in the first place. They might have more or less appeal to others, but even a low voting score does not mean they are "worthless". It just means there are less fans for it in this community. Votes are entirely arbitrary and opinion-based! They do not bear any objective quality, even if this is implied heavily. Don't forget that! Don't let that discourage you!

YOU are welcome here! YOU are not your question! YOU are also not the or in question! YOU just post a question. And you will get feedback on this text to help you out. Not feedback on you.

But also remember: Closing is nothing bad! It just indicates the community is not able to help you right now and asks for updates. Don't be scared away from this! Keep in touch with the community. If you do not know how to handle the situation, just post a comment and ask for assistance in improving the question to a more streamlined purpose.

In any case, even if your question is only aimed at your personal world and your specific problem, you are welcome to ask here! You will get feedback, at least in the comments, trying to help you as best as possible. Maybe you will just realize that your question was heading in a direction where giving answers is hard. But you will get something that brings you forward. Even if it is just how to rephrase the question in a way so you get what you was looking for.

First and foremost, we try to understand your question and ask you back about it until it is clear enough that answers start coming in.

So, long story short: What are you waiting for? Post your question! We are eager to help! :D

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