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Comments on Can I ask Worldbuilding questions here?
Can I ask Worldbuilding questions here?
I would like to ask something about a world I am designing. Can I ask that here? Is this like in StackExchange and I get closed and downvoted without help?
To the existing members: This is the initial post for the proposal of a Worldbuilding community on Codidact. Before you judge about anything and start downvoting prematurely, keep in mind that there are no rules in place yet because the community had no chance to form yet. Please read the proposal first before you continue reading, to understand the context. Thank you.
I moved your question to Meta.
Yes, you can ask worldbuilding questions because there is a proposal for that community. Use the worldbuilding tag on your questions to tie them to the proposal. The best way to work out scope etc is with Q&A in the incubator. Thanks for helping to develop this community.
1 comment thread