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Welcome to the staging ground for new communities! Each proposal has a description in the "Descriptions" category and a body of questions and answers in "Incubator Q&A". You can ask questions (and get answers, we hope!) right away, and start new proposals.

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Comments on Worldbuilding





This is a community embracing and bringing together worldbuilders, writers, poets and dreamers searching for help and inspiration to bring their creative stories, RPGs, and worlds to life.

Worldbuilding is first and foremost Art: the creation of an alternate world, a secondary creation or faerie in which places and events and people that may or may not exist here take form and exist there, interacting in new and different ways.

When God was about to create the world by his Word, the letters of the alphabet descended from the terrible and august crown whereon they were engraved with a pen of flaming fire. They stood round about, and one after the other spake and entreated: "Create the world through me!"

When we subcreate such a place as an alternate world, we are in fact reaching out into the Dreaming, into the very Source of our own existence; we are reaching within, into the creative urge; we touch another reality and give it shape and form in this reality.


Topics covered would include:

  • Essentially everything that pertains to the creation of a fictional world or universe or setting as well as the creation of the narratives of those worlds' stories themselves. Broadly speaking, topics like cosmology, astrophysics, chemistry and biology would not be foreign to our members.

  • Neither would concepts such as theology, philosophy, game design, aesthetics, geology, magical systems, mythic and unreal creatures.

  • This is an art-focused community. Thus, the intended scope of this forum is to help creators with the development of their creative infrastructure: worldbuilding and storybuilding. This community embraces the creative where other Codidact communities might embrace the scientifically factual, historical or disciplinary.

  • We would happily accept questions that focus on "unreal sciences" and the technologies that derive from them. Either the creation and description of such a science or the derivation of such from known science. Such questions might touch strongly on multiple communities — none of which at this time (unless I'm misunderstanding their limits) would accept such a question.

  • We would accept a fairly broad range of question types. Within reasonable limitations, questions that require focused brainstorming or fishing for ideas, as well as questions that elicit well considered opinions and concept analysis would all be welcome here.

  • "Reality Checks" to see if a given scenario is realistic a/o plausible (within the context of the fictional world) are on topic, as are questions that delve into whether some event would realistically happen in a given scenario.

  • Our favourite kinds of questions are those that delve into deeper aspects of a member's fictional world. Social ramifications of dragon extinction would be far more to our liking than "can my world have two moons".

  • This community embraces the idea of helping participants to write a story. We would be very interested in questions that link world with narrative. We love questions that focus on the creativity and art of storytelling, rather than the mechanics.


These topics or types of posts would be out of scope:

  • We would specifically avoid questions that ask about the real world. Such questions ought to be asked in other Codidact forums as and when they become available. Plain questions about historical events or orbital mechanics ought to be addressed to those communities. Where history and orbital mechanics meet art and fictional realities is where we would take over!

  • We would specifically avoid questions that are specifically pertinent to other Codidact communities. In particular, Scientific Speculation and Writing.

Special Features

(Would this community want additional categories, new post types, changes to site settings, etc? Codidact has a lot of configuration available, so if there's something you want to be able to do, please share it.)

  • We want it all! This section will need to be updated as we explore the possibilities Codidact has to offer.

  • We would certainly be interested in subforums for Worldbuilding and Storybuilding; introduction / help for each (along the lines of the Sci.Spec "Q&A" and "Rigorous Science" subforums.

  • Tab with a list of worldbuilding resources

  • Tab with a list of storybuilding resources


This site would ideally not overlap at all with other Codidact communities. Questions about the real world would be redirected to communities like physics or history whenever possible. We would love, and indeed welcome, experts from those other communities to pop in and offer their expertise! Questions asking for a basis in science would be redirected to Sci.Spec. Questions about writing techniques and mechanics would be redirected to Writing.

The Other Side of the Moebium

It seems like the SciSpec Codidact forum is going to claim the scientific side of the geopoetical coin. I'm therefore proposing that Worldbuilding take up the artistic side of the same coin. Geopoesy, of course, is just another, maybe fancier, name for worldbuilding.

Over on StackExchange, the community seems to focus a lot on general science and I notice that a lot of queries get comments essentially along the lines of "your scenario is implausible, because that's not how reality works". Well, duh. Querent isn't asking about reality -- she's asking about a fictional world! That forum also seems to slightly downplay art and to more than slightly downplay creativity. Which is really kind of counterintuitive!

There is currently some beginnings of a discussion on storybuilding as a legitimate part of worldbuilding (I don't mean character development or plot determination, but rather, how the fictional world and the developed character interact to form the plot). And there has long been discussion and some tension on what constitutes "opinion based" queries.

I think we could distinguish this forum, WB:CD, from both WB:SE and from SS:CD by embracing and treating seriously the fanciful, the opinion based, the artistic, the intuitive, perhaps even the literary. If SS:CD is taking science in worldbuilding seriously, then why not take art in worldbuilding as seriously? That'll be our job!

Lots of questions at WB:SE seem to be really "basic", if you take my meaning. Questions like "can I have a unicorn cavalry in a Civil War setting". I'd like for this forum to bring that up a few notches. Explore the hows and whys, the wherefores and hownows. Consider the choices made as matters of art: what are the underlying meanings and significations? How do these choices mesh and create a deeper world? Where do we touch the transcendentals of goodness, truth and the beauty through geopoetical arts?

If you are interested to participate

  • Please "react" to this posting to indicate your interest
  • Please check the Worldbuilding discussion on Meta (filter by "worldbuilding") and join in
  • Please use the tag "worldbuilding" for all your posts concerning that topic, in your Q&A posts as well as on Meta.
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5 comment threads

Feedback on the Proposal (3 comments)
Scientific Speculation vs Worldbuilding - maybe a rebrand instead of separate communities? (13 comments)
Geopoesy / Geopoetics (2 comments)
Suggestion: consolidate resources into one category. There won't be so many topics that we _need_ tw... (1 comment)
Subject matter expert (1 comment)
Scientific Speculation vs Worldbuilding - maybe a rebrand instead of separate communities?
Canina‭ wrote about 1 month ago

(Note: I'm a moderator on Scientific Speculation, but this is purely my own thoughts, not something yet run by the community.)

Considering that Scientific Speculation sees very little traffic, and that this proposal has already amassed some interest:

Might it be worth rebranding/refocusing SciSpec more in line with this proposal?

Scientific Speculation Codidact originated as a sort of a "no magic" or more science-based worldbuilding site; as a significant number of questions on Worldbuilding SE attracted answers that largely boiled down to "you're already using magic, do whatever you want" or "it's your world, it's up to you", there was a desire for a more science-backed community. That was also long before the current process was in place, which seems like another reason why it might be worth a once-over.

The distinction between either of those and Writing should be easy; the latter is about how to tell your story, whereas the former is about the world in which the story is set.

Monica Cellio‭ wrote about 1 month ago

Canina‭ I was wondering about that too. Obviously it would need to be discussed on SciSpec Meta, but what do you think about having a Worldbuilding community with a separate category for science-based (rigorous science would then fold into that)? So the general Q&A could be broad, but there would be a place for questions that stay within the bounds of known science.

Canina‭ wrote about 1 month ago

Monica Cellio‭ In that case I think two Q&A-like categories would do, plus Meta and whatever else the community might decide on like maybe a collaborately edited wiki-like section; something like "magic allowed" and "no magic" (exact category titles to be determined later, if this turns out to be a good and workable idea). They could also have different color schemes to provide clear differentiation, and they would let the person asking the question clearly indicate whether they are willing to consider magic-based answers. (Most people would likely frequent one or the other.) Then current SciSpec Q&A and Rigorous Science would both fold into the "no magic" category; anyone who wants particularly hard science would post in "no magic" and need to indicate such a requirement in their question. This would map quite well to what Worldbuilding SE tried to do with tags, but promote the separation to a first-class citizen while simultaneously catering to both subcommunities.

Monica Cellio‭ wrote about 1 month ago

Canina‭ that makes sense. Would you be interested in bringing it up on SciSpec Meta to see what folks there think?

Lundin‭ wrote about 1 month ago

Canina‭ I agree with you and posted an open-ended discussion thread here:

Lundin‭ wrote about 1 month ago

Monica Cellio‭ I've now posted such a discussion thread, see the link above.

elemtilas‭ wrote about 1 month ago

I am very likely behind the times! When we (JBH & myself) first began cooking up a proposal here (which didn't get very far), we wanted to clearly distinguish WB from SS simply because you guys were handling the sciencey stuff. If things have changed, then I'd be happy to amend.

Monica Cellio‭ wrote about 1 month ago

elemtilas‭ I'm glad you got back in (and have asked for help with the problem you were seeing in a different browser). The suggestion to merge SciSpec into a new WB community is recent. It looks like the idea is well-received on SciSpec so far (see Lundin's link). We want to give folks there time to react, but so far it sounds like this could happen.

Lundin‭ wrote about 1 month ago

elemtilas‭ I think when Scientific Speculation was created, they were perhaps overly optimistic about a separation from Worldbuilding, which would mean more users. And if they were two sites, I think they'd get the very same users following both sites anyway. And I think SciSpec might have been around since before the Codidact category system was introduced even. In the linked discussion I made a draft proposal for different categories, remaining "backwards compatible" so to speak.

elemtilas‭ wrote about 1 month ago

Lundin‭ --- I totally get that! What we're seeing in SE (I don't know if on there or not) is a kind of long struggle to define what WB:SE actually is: is it primarily science driven or is it primarily creativity driven or is it a balanced approach or is it something else? Several of the most active participants, at least on the policy side, advocate for a balanced approach.

When JBH first made the proposal here, more than a year ago, SciSpec was already a community. Our goal was simply to work around what you guys had already established. Personally, I don't think separating the art of worldbuilding into "hey we're the imaginative guys" and "hey we're the science guys" is helpful. Worldbuilding as an art literally pulls from all disciplines.

I concur: two communities would simply end up having the same membership.

elemtilas‭ wrote about 1 month ago

Monica Cellio‭ --- Yep! I think my issue was resolved mostly by switching browsers. I did tell Moshi what Opera version I've got, so hopefully the issue can get sorted!

How would a merge actually take place?

Monica Cellio‭ wrote about 1 month ago

If everyone were to agree, we would launch Worldbuilding (which people also need to agree to), and then have a database ninja move everything from SciSpec into wherever we decide on the new community (presumably a "science-only" category, name TBD), and we'd have a web ninja make URL redirects work. There'll be a meta post from someone who actually has those ninja skills to make sure everyone knows what's going to happen before we do it.

elemtilas‭ wrote about 1 month ago

Monica Cellio‭ --- Oo, database ninjas! Thanks for the explanation!