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Comments on Is there room for a long list of types of buildings and facilities in a city or country?


Is there room for a long list of types of buildings and facilities in a city or country?


I'm looking for a very long and sufficiently detailed list of every possible type of facility that exists in the world today, or perhaps is likely to exist in the future. For example, the list would include "cinema", different kinds of cinemas, various "restaurant" types, "apartment"s and a rough set of those, "park", "ice cream factory", "stock trading company offices", "video game studio", "bank desk", "computer server farm", "llama wool farm", "aquarium", "public greenhouse", "solar power plant", "hydro-electric river plant", "hydro-power-magazine plant", etc.

I have a project of mine in which I am creating city. But whether it would be a game, novel, physical model, 3D city model, or a movie, isn't important. For this, it would be very useful to have such a list of all sorts of facilities I'd need to put in my city.

Is this something that even belongs on Codidact? If it does, what is the best way to collect and present the contents of the list? A question may be discoverable, but having many different answers seems unproductive. Limiting the question to a single answer could work. Would an article be appropriate? Is content added by suggesting edits? How do we quality-assure it? Do we require sources for everything? How do we maintain a source list? Again, is this appropriate for Codidact, or am I better off looking for a more traditional wiki for it? Maybe Wikipedia already has such a list?

This can really be of use outside of just "world-building", though. It's more or less similar to asking "what are the different kinds of facilities that exist in the world today?"

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the different location types of open street maps might be a good starting point. (3 comments)

Asking for a list, with answers submitting entries for that list, seems cumbersome. But consider instead a community resource, like Languages & Linguistics does. The incubator has the Article post type available, so you can use that to collect and organize information on topics of interest to a proposed community.

I also agree with the suggestion in another answer to ask where to find such lists.

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Article/wiki post type (6 comments)
Article/wiki post type

That is exactly what I had in mind. However, we're talking about thousands of entries on the list. It's quite a lot of content to contribute, yet alone curate. Do we even have the methodology and framework to handle this?

Monica Cellio‭ wrote about 1 month ago

Ah, I didn't realize the scale. Is it divisible (larger categories)? Given wiki posts, you can also have wiki posts that link to other wiki posts... but I think we'd need to explore a mockup to work it out.

Is it divisible (larger categories)?

Honestly not sure. See the comments under Antare's answer.

but I think we'd need to explore a mockup to work it out.

Maybe, yeah. Not entirely sure where to begin, as I don't have the data in the first place. I haven't looked into Sam's and Michael's suggestions for sources, yet.

Even more so, a list like this might be rather useless without actually having a longer description of each entry. Just having a name without actually explaining it (for instance when it's not obvious), isn't so useful.

Monica Cellio‭ wrote about 1 month ago

Agreed -- just names aren't useful, but if you're building up a list of options for worldbuilders to consider, with the relevant context, that could be useful. Maybe your organizing principle is tech level (this is what you can expect at a bronze-age level, etc), or geography (this is what you can expect in a semi-arid region), or something else. I'm just thinking out loud here; understanding the purpose of the list informs whether/how to compile it, and I don't yet grok the purpose.

Well, at least personally, I left some screenshots in the off-topic channel on Discord a while ago, from Minecraft. So for me, I just want to give my buildings a purpose. So that's a neverending personal hobby project, and nothing too serious. But I do want a rather detailed list; just a large overview or just the category of buildings, isn't helpful to me. And the goal would of course be that this resource can be useful to more than just me, and for serious purposes.