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Definitely a problem I don't see this as a problem for filtering posts. If I filter by the proposal tag and the clashing tag, then I will only see posts with the clashing tag for that proposal, no...
#1: Initial revision
## Definitely a problem I don't see this as a problem for filtering posts. If I filter by the proposal tag and the clashing tag, then I will only see posts with the clashing tag for that proposal, not the other proposal. Where I see more of a problem is when people want to add the tag wiki and the wording makes no sense for the other proposal. ## Longer term we need a better solution At some point there may be enough proposals that clashes are common, at which point we might need a sophisticated solution, so I hope people will keep suggesting new ideas. ## Workaround for now For now, with a small number of proposals, hopefully clashes will be rare. Until someone comes up with a better solution, I suggest we use tags as usual where they don't clash, and only use a workaround for those few tags that do clash. For those that clash, we could prefix the tag name with the proposal name, so we'd have `video-games-base` and `chemistry-base`. This would allow having 2 separate tag wikis, but would require some manual renaming after migrating the tags to a successful proposal.