Welcome to the staging ground for new communities! Each proposal has a description in the "Descriptions" category and a body of questions and answers in "Incubator Q&A". You can ask questions (and get answers, we hope!) right away, and start new proposals.
Are you here to participate in a specific proposal? Click on the proposal tag (with the dark outline) to see only posts about that proposal and not all of the others that are in progress. Tags are at the bottom of each post.
Post History
When looking at a tag in the Incubator Q/A category, I often want to know which community that tag belongs to. As is the case today, tags in that category aren't actually confined to a single commu...
#1: Initial revision
On a tag's wiki, list every community proposal using the tag on a question
When looking at a tag in the Incubator Q/A category, I often want to know which community that tag belongs to. As is the case today, tags in that category aren't actually confined to a single community, but shared between all the community proposals that happen to have posts using the tag. It would be quite helpful, then, if for each tag, I can see a list of all the community proposals using it. I believe an ideal location for this would be on the tag wiki. In other words, the list on tag X consists of the set of community proposal tags found on all questions also tagged with X.