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Post History
I do not think this list belongs on Codidact. I am not opposed to asking on Codidact if such a list exists, though. Sam Carter suggested looking at OpenStreetMap, a suggestion I endorse. You could...
#2: Post edited
- I do not think this list belongs on Codidact. I am not opposed to asking on Codidact if such a list _exists,_ though.
- Sam Carter [suggested][sam] looking at [OpenStreetMap][osm], a suggestion I endorse. You could look at [their wiki][wiki] for tags like [`building=*`][building], [`man_made=*`][manmade], and so on. For a tighter list of interesting things which may occupy those buildings, I suggest looking at the [Name Suggestion Index][nsi], which is associated with OSM.
- [osm]: https://openstreetmap.org
- [wiki]: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org
- [nsi]: https://nsi.guide
- [manmade]: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:man_made
- [building]: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:building
[sam]: https://proposals.codidact.com/comments/thread/10081
- I do not think this list belongs on Codidact. I am not opposed to asking on Codidact if such a list _exists,_ though.
- Sam Carter [suggested][sam] looking at [OpenStreetMap][osm], a suggestion I endorse. You could look at [their wiki][wiki] for tags like [`building=*`][building], [`man_made=*`][manmade], and so on. For a tighter list of interesting things which may occupy those buildings, I suggest looking at the [Name Suggestion Index][nsi], which is associated with OSM.
- If you're extremely meticulous, you can investigate [the preset data][id] for OSM's online editor.
- [osm]: https://openstreetmap.org
- [wiki]: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org
- [nsi]: https://nsi.guide
- [manmade]: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:man_made
- [building]: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:building
- [sam]: https://proposals.codidact.com/comments/thread/10081
- [id]: https://github.com/openstreetmap/id-tagging-schema/tree/main/data/presets
#1: Initial revision
I do not think this list belongs on Codidact. I am not opposed to asking on Codidact if such a list _exists,_ though. Sam Carter [suggested][sam] looking at [OpenStreetMap][osm], a suggestion I endorse. You could look at [their wiki][wiki] for tags like [`building=*`][building], [`man_made=*`][manmade], and so on. For a tighter list of interesting things which may occupy those buildings, I suggest looking at the [Name Suggestion Index][nsi], which is associated with OSM. [osm]: https://openstreetmap.org [wiki]: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org [nsi]: https://nsi.guide [manmade]: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:man_made [building]: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:building [sam]: https://proposals.codidact.com/comments/thread/10081