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Meta Allowed types of questions for Worldbuilding

When a question is open, people can post answers. If the question is not clear, and then gets adjusted during several rounds of discussion while people are answering, it's awfully hard to sort out...

posted 1mo ago by Monica Cellio‭

#1: Initial revision by user avatar Monica Cellio‭ · 2024-09-06T17:38:53Z (about 1 month ago)
When a question is open, people can post answers.  If the question is not clear, and then gets adjusted during several rounds of discussion *while people are answering*, it's awfully hard to sort out what happened.  You end up with a question asking how to do X with answers about doing Y and Z, about the relative merits of X, Y, and Z, and suggesting that X is the solution to your problem.

Closing a question while it's unclear *and reopening it when the question has been clarified* reduces the effort people spend on writing answers that are not, in the end, wanted.  The value of a Q&A platform such as Codidact is that you see the question and its answers, as opposed to a forum where you see the original question, several threads discussing and tweaking it, and finally an answer to the revised question 200 comments down if you bothered to read that far.