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Welcome to the staging ground for new communities! Each proposal has a description in the "Descriptions" category and a body of questions and answers in "Incubator Q&A". You can ask questions (and get answers, we hope!) right away, and start new proposals.

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Meta Is Worldbuilding fit for Q&A?

Existing communities that are different from standard Q&A There are already several Codidact communities that cater to art and have different rules than might be expected in a question and ans...

posted 1mo ago by trichoplax‭

#1: Initial revision by user avatar trichoplax‭ · 2024-09-07T19:47:09Z (about 1 month ago)
## Existing communities that are different from standard Q&A

There are already several Codidact communities that cater to art and have different rules than might be expected in a question and answer site.

### Code Golf
The Code Golf community supports posting and solving coding challenges, and has a Q&A category for questions about how to write challenges, and how to solve them.

There is also a Sandbox category, where challenge designers can post their draft challenges and get feedback and discussion about what could be improved and how different programming languages might be affected, so that by the time the challenge is posted in the Challenges category, it is already well tested and likely to be interesting to solve.

### Writing
In addition to the structured Q&A category, there is also a Challenges category where questions are invitations to write something on a topic, giving the kind of open ended flexibility that looks like just what Worldbuilding could benefit from.

### Photography & Video
In addition to a category called "Contests, Critique", which is in some sense similar to the Challenges categories of Writing, and of Code Golf, there is also a category called "Gear Recommendations", supporting questions that would likely be considered too subjective in a Q&A category.

### Cooking
Cooking has a Challenges category, and a Recipes category, in addition to its Q&A category. This gives several very different ways of interacting in a single community. Recipes are just single posts, with no answers. Q&A supports specific questions seeking an answer, and Challenges is for more open ended invitations to be creative, again very relevant to a Worldbuilding community.

## Worldbuilding will be what its community decides
There is already plenty of flexibility, in both the system and the communities of people here. As a body of questions, answers, and new types of posts gradually builds up, the Worldbuilding community will evolve into whatever it's going to be, quite possibly introducing even more flexibility along the way.

I get the impression from your post that you already recognise this, but that you still have an expectation of conflict. You don't need to. I don't see any enemies here.