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Incubator Q&A

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Incubator Q&A What's the least traumatic way to integrate resurrected historical humans into modern society?

several billion That's going to take some serious 'splainin. We already have too many people on this planet, and the number is still growing. You're going to have to provide a really good reason...

posted 1mo ago by Olin Lathrop‭  ·  edited 1mo ago by Olin Lathrop‭

#2: Post edited by user avatar Olin Lathrop‭ · 2024-09-12T12:21:15Z (about 1 month ago)
  • <blockquote>several billion</blockquote>
  • That's going to take some serious 'splainin. We already have too many people on this planet, and the number is still growing. You're going to have to provide a really good reason to make this problem worse.
  • <blockquote>one-time event</blockquote>
  • A billion people poofing into existance at the same time!? Yikes!! You need to think this thru more carefully.
  • Long-term integration into society is the easy part. Consider the problems of the first few minutes to days. A billion people are going to need water within hours and food within a day or two. How are you going to store all that ahead of time? distribute it in a short time? Where is all the poop and pee going to go?
  • Let's do a little math. Let's say you pick a large flat area on earth at a time of decent weather conditions. If all these people appeared in a nice orderly square grid, there would be 32,000 of them no a side. Even at only 3 m separation, that's 95 x 95 kilometers, or about 3,500 square miles. For context, Delaware is 2,500 square miles, and Connecticut 5,500. This doesn't include any infrastructure for logistics of delivering food and water, dealing with sewage, keeping order, somehow trying to explain to a billion confused people what just happened, etc.
  • <i>"But other than that, Mrs Lincoln, how was the play?"</i>.
  • <blockquote>several billion</blockquote>
  • That's going to take some serious 'splainin. We already have too many people on this planet, and the number is still growing. You're going to have to provide a really good reason to make this problem worse.
  • <blockquote>one-time event</blockquote>
  • A billion people poofing into existance at the same time!? Yikes!! You need to think this thru more carefully.
  • Long-term integration into society is the easy part. Consider the problems of the first few minutes to days. A billion people are going to need water within hours and food within a day or two. How are you going to store all that ahead of time? distribute it in a short time? Where is all the poop and pee going to go?
  • Let's do a little math. Let's say you pick a large flat area on earth at a time of decent weather conditions. If all these people appeared in a nice orderly square grid, there would be 32,000 of them on a side. Even at only 3 m separation, that's 95 x 95 kilometers, or about 3,500 square miles. For context, Delaware is 2,500 square miles, and Connecticut 5,500. This doesn't include any infrastructure for logistics of delivering food and water, dealing with sewage, keeping order, somehow trying to explain to a billion confused people what just happened, etc.
  • <i>"But other than that, Mrs Lincoln, how was the play?"</i>.
#1: Initial revision by user avatar Olin Lathrop‭ · 2024-09-12T12:19:40Z (about 1 month ago)
<blockquote>several billion</blockquote>

That's going to take some serious 'splainin.  We already have too many people on this planet, and the number is still growing.  You're going to have to provide a really good reason to make this problem worse.

<blockquote>one-time event</blockquote>

A billion people poofing into existance at the same time!?  Yikes!!  You need to think this thru more carefully.

Long-term integration into society is the easy part.  Consider the problems of the first few minutes to days.  A billion people are going to need water within hours and food within a day or two.  How are you going to store all that ahead of time? distribute it in a short time?  Where is all the poop and pee going to go?

Let's do a little math.  Let's say you pick a large flat area on earth at a time of decent weather conditions.  If all these people appeared in a nice orderly square grid, there would be 32,000 of them no a side.  Even at only 3 m separation, that's 95 x 95 kilometers, or about 3,500 square miles.  For context, Delaware is 2,500 square miles, and Connecticut 5,500.  This doesn't include any infrastructure for logistics of delivering food and water, dealing with sewage, keeping order, somehow trying to explain to a billion confused people what just happened, etc.

<i>"But other than that, Mrs Lincoln, how was the play?"</i>.