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What most instances of this trope miss is that the forces from these super fast and powerful limbs have to go somewhere. That rules out silliness like the Bionic Man and your super-strong soldier ...
#1: Initial revision
What most instances of this trope miss is that the forces from these super fast and powerful limbs have to go somewhere. That rules out silliness like the <i>Bionic Man</i> and your super-strong soldier with only cybernetic arms and legs. Cybernetic limbs could be more accurate, have special sensors, and allow attaching special modules like different weapons, but one thing they can't do is be significantly stronger than the biological limb they are replacing. Even if the arm is strong enough to lift a car, for example, how is the ordinary shoulder joint and collar bone supposed to take that force? If you want super-strength, you pretty much have to upgrade the whole skeleton.