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In a Codidact community there are community-specific help pages, reflecting the fact that each community is different. Over time these help pages can be modified in response to discussions on Meta....
#1: Initial revision
Where to put proposal-community-specific help pages?
In a Codidact community there are community-specific help pages, reflecting the fact that each community is different. Over time these help pages can be modified in response to discussions on Meta. However, here on Proposals there is only one help section, shared between many proposed communities. Ideally, part of preparing a proposed community would be settling on what its help pages should contain, so that when it is ready to be self contained it does not need to start with the default help pages. Having its own community-specific help pages will also help during the proposal stage, so that users can better understand the emerging community that they are shaping. How should we provide a place for community-specific help pages?