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Posts by Olin Lathrop
The frequency of the vibrations is only one of many considerations. To "granulate" rock, the vibrations have to cause large tension forces in the brittle material. The wavelength of the vibration...
You're not really using these dice as dice, but as markers. It sounds like you won't be "rolling" these dice, and therefore expect an even outcome between landing on each of the 6 sides. Paint th...
If you can do it with your mind, then why can't everyone do it, and why are there wizards with inherently different strengths? It is like many other abilities we are already familiar with. Some p...
Today we take multi-player first-person view computer games for granted, but what was the first one? When was that? What did it run on? Who were the players? What was it like? Any interesting ...
Most everyday electrical wiring has two wires Well, no. Nowadays you usually get hot, neutral (or "return"), and ground. At least here in North America where houses get power from the secondary ...
Tankwar, 1978 I created Tankwar in 1978 at the RPI (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, New York) Interactive Computer Graphics Center (ICGC). The ICGC had two Prime 750 computers, each wit...
Do the math! Calculate the present value of each loan. Add the buy down amount to the cost of the loan with the lower interest rate. Whichever is lower wins. That said, there are some additiona...
The hose is probably coiled up normally. When there is no water pressure, there is little force trying to uncoil it. When water pressure is increased in the hose, the little extra diameter from u...
The first thing I would try is to replace the dimmer. New dimmers work differently than old dimmers, at least the right kind of new dimmer. Old dimmers worked by turning on their output for part ...
What most instances of this trope miss is that the forces from these super fast and powerful limbs have to go somewhere. That rules out silliness like the Bionic Man and your super-strong soldier ...
I would like to get a picture of the general supporters (those who are "okay" with this) for a Worldbuilding community. There is already a mechanism for this. Let's not confuse things by creating...
Current lithium ion batteries are best stored for long life at around 70% of full charge. However, getting there and maintaining that for typical home power tools may be more trouble than it's wor...
What filter stages or combinations are important for an average residential consumer getting municipal water? None. Municipal water plants already do all that for you. They also have to test the...
Spewing fire is done while exhaling. The same mechanisms that push air out of the lungs push the acetylene out too, when the creature wants to. Since this is mutually exclusive with inhaling, the...
We have to understand that a Q&A worldbuilding site isn't going to support all things all worldbuilders want to talk about. We need to focus on what fits well with our Q&A format. One thi...
You haven't defined exactly what features are part of "smart" versus "dumb". What most people consider "smart TV" features require a network connection. No matter how smart a TV is, if you don't ...
not having a strict policy of "ask your question correctly or it gets closed" This doesn't work well in a Q&A format, as opposed to a more traditional threaded discussion. These sites and the...
I've had some old cordless tools where the tool itself has a charger port. I've tried running these while plugged in (but with the battery drained) and they didn't work. That's because the charger...
You can't test such a timer with just a voltmeter. It is possible that the timer requires the load to try to draw some minimum current, which a voltmeter probably wouldn't. Or, the timer might ha...
First, this scenario is highly implausible. Surely the people that went underground intended to pop up again once the war was over. That means they created some means to monitor the situation on ...
Sharing information about invasive species is an important issue. I started my town's Invasive Species Committee, and have seen some of these challenges first hand. Lots of people are doing their...
I'm OK with all of your points except equipment recommendations and possibly E-sports. Equipment recommendations Shopping questions or "which model should I get" are a bad fit for this kind of si...
"Home Improvement" isn't the most descriptive name, but it is something many people will be familiar with. This site should be about the structure and systems of a residential building. That incl...
Our incubator system is fundamentally broken. When I have some time, I'll write a meta post about this. We should do nothing with inactive proposals until we have a better means of starting new s...
Site Name Invasive Species Short Description What species are invasive, how to identify them, how they effect the native ecosystem, and how to deal with them. Background This section is long, ...