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Welcome to the staging ground for new communities! Each proposal has a description in the "Descriptions" category and a body of questions and answers in "Incubator Q&A". You can ask questions (and get answers, we hope!) right away, and start new proposals.

Are you here to participate in a specific proposal? Click on the proposal tag (with the dark outline) to see only posts about that proposal and not all of the others that are in progress. Tags are at the bottom of each post.

Comments on Introducing a new proposals process


Introducing a new proposals process


Welcome to the new Proposals site!

As we noted in the proposal for this change, we feel we need better way to propose and evaluate new communities for our network. A single post and people expressing interest isn't expressive enough; we think actually asking and answering questions that fit the proposed community's scope can both flesh out a proposal and keep people involved while that happens. Hence, this new community for proposals -- an incubator of sorts.

How to propose a community on the network has all the details, but at a high level:

  • Start a proposal (wiki post) in the Descriptions category. Describe your community. Plan to edit this description as you learn more from sample Q&A and meta discussions.

  • Use the Incubator Q&A category to ask and answer real questions in your community's area of scope.

  • Use the Meta category for anything related to specific proposals.

  • Use the proposal's special tag (we'll create these as needed) to tie all these posts together. Meta uses the same tag set as everything else, not the usual Meta tag set.

  • Invite people you know who are interested in the proposal to participate here.

We'll be phasing this in. We haven't closed the old "site proposals" category on Meta yet, but we hope to soon. First, we'd like to get some proposals started here and uncover anything else we need to adjust before fulling switching over.

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Actually, No.

You had a comprehensive list with all the details in the old place already.

There were people proposing essential topics (Move, SciFi, Worldbuilding, Storytelling and more). And those posts are years old.

There will be only those who are probably willing to "maintain" such a site actively. You won't get every user in the world to vote on such a proposal, because users are awaiting to get into a comfy ready-made place. They are not interested in constructing a new one.

So, consider any site proposal in the other place with a vote of +4 to have at least 4 people who would probably willing to contribute in building up that baby - you cannot ask for more as a starting point. Those sites are actually long time overdue to a point where maybe none of those original people is going to jump in on anything.

I think you have to actively approach them and offer them to create their site. Asking for proposal and proposal and maybe another proposal will get "us"/you no where. (I realized now, there is actually really a 3rd request for proposals in the Incubator - can you see a pattern here?)

You won't get any new information here.

Create the sites, let the community jump into it. If it does not work out after a while, drop/split/rename/merge them. What can you lose? Is server capacity the problem somehow?

Why does this post require attention from curators or moderators?
You might want to add some details to your flag.

1 comment thread

The goal of the Proposals community is to "quasi-create" the sites -- go ahead and start asking and a... (5 comments)
The goal of the Proposals community is to "quasi-create" the sites -- go ahead and start asking and a...
Monica Cellio‭ wrote about 2 months ago

The goal of the Proposals community is to "quasi-create" the sites -- go ahead and start asking and answering questions here, so we can see what kind of activity will happen. We created a lot of new communities under the old process that turned into ghost towns, because sometimes people say "I'll participate" (and mean it!) but it turns out they don't have much to write about when the site is live. We're trying to create a lightweight environment to help communities develop and then launch stronger -- an "incubator".

Antares‭ wrote about 2 months ago

Well, I'll give it a try, but actually I am not convinced that this will attract people when there is not a big fat button on the main page saying something like "Movies&Literature", "Story&World-Building" at least. For example, I am not that much of a question poster, but a vivid answerer. There surely will be more traffic on a "full blown" site than the totally invisible Incubator. But hey, I repeat myself...

Bringing proposed communities with X amount of backing to the dashboard and website is actually a good suggestion. Add a new section on the bottom. I'll post a feature request for it on Meta. :)

Antares‭ wrote about 2 months ago · edited about 2 months ago

Monica Cellio‭: Oh cool! You mean "section" like the proposal for Movies&Literature? I have added this.

Monica Cellio‭ wrote about 2 months ago

Antares‭ yes! I'm glad you created that. We can now use Proposals Meta to talk about scope (or anything else) and Incubator Q&A to ask questions that would go on that community. So long as everything has the proposal's tag, it's easy to connect it all.