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Welcome to the staging ground for new communities! Each proposal has a description in the "Descriptions" category and a body of questions and answers in "Incubator Q&A". You can ask questions (and get answers, we hope!) right away, and start new proposals.

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Comments on Allowed types of questions for Worldbuilding


Allowed types of questions for Worldbuilding


I like the proposal text and have actually very little to add. Should be a solid starting ground.

One concern I have is the general thing with "malformed questions".

I strongly advocate for not having a strict policy of "ask your question correctly or it gets closed". I would like to emphasize to focus on the "intent" of a question and ask back if there is something unclear. Also of course, creative questions, brainstorming etc. are welcomed (maybe with some focus recommendations like in Creative Challenges).

Thus, either such questions are handled directly inside the input queue or there should definitely be a sandbox for it.

Also see my posting on Proposals:Meta "Can I ask Worldbuilding questions here?", where I have laid out that thought in more detail (especially in the answer to that question).

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Downvotes absolute DO mean something! (4 comments)
Downvotes absolute DO mean something!
Olin Lathrop‭ wrote about 1 month ago

Up and down votes here show agreement or disagreement with the points in your post. Although not their main purpose, downvotes can also accumulate when someone thinks the post is badly written, poorly formatted, ambiguous, etc.

Antares‭ wrote about 1 month ago · edited about 1 month ago

They do not mean anything in this question though. Because I am not asking for opinions about the question without proper feedback. And I suspect feedback from those who are invested into the topic and will participate actively. Or at least share their experience and insights on the topic.

I despise just downvoting and not acknowledging the content of the question at hand. It is a serious topic and a very important one in the context of Worldbuilding. I am aware that this is not the general view on Q&A like SE or Codidact, but this is not the topic here. It is about figuring out how to handle those cases in the community-to-be. Any member of that would upvote instead of downvote.

If it does not concern a reader fine, please ignore. If you have objections, please comment. But just "fly-by-downvoting" is just rude. I could do this to any question as well just because I am too lazy to read&understand. Would this be helpful? Certainly not.

Voting is our content ranking mechanism. It is an integral part of the Q/A system, and you can't simply state that they don't apply. Even if you personally don't care about the votes on your post here, others do. The system does, too.

Also, stating one's opinion by voting here, can be done by anyone on Codidact. There is not a requirement that you have to agree with the proposal, be invested in it, or be in support of it. That would not be constructive. It effectively eliminates valid criticism, which isn't appropriate.

If it does not concern a reader fine, please ignore. If you have objections, please comment. But just "fly-by-downvoting" is just rude. I could do this to any question as well just because I am too lazy to read&understand.

Illegitimate voting is abuse of the voting ability. However, downvoting is a ranking of the content provided, not an act of rudeness. I can ensure you the voting count on your posts correspond with legitimate voting.

There's been a discussion of downvotes previously, but I don't think it covers everything here.