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Comments on Would it make sense for an entity who can control tangible and/or intangible materials be able to manipulate electricity but not light?


Would it make sense for an entity who can control tangible and/or intangible materials be able to manipulate electricity but not light? Question


I have this idea about people with "Psionic" power. Psionics in my story are primarily beings able to emit and/or manipulate a special energy field from within that takes physical form. They can extend it outward to pick up various materials like picking it up with their own hands with approximately 3 to even 10 times the strength of their actual physical body depending on the individual. Everything they do affects their own body and if they go past their limit they can risk their bodies going through the same problems as if overdoing it in terms of exercising (fatigue, muscle aches, death via exhaustion, etc) and this energy can be used only in two forms; tangible and intangible.

Those that can affect tangible materials (rock, metal, etc) can either move it around or straight up crush it by applying pressure through their energy field. However, due to psionic energy being more equivalent to a physical extension of the body like an arm, the heavier the object the harder it'll be to hold onto it let alone pick it up and if it's granulated like sand for example the user will have to pick up the chunks of sand with some it dripping out or if they actually want to do anything with the sand they would have to pick up the individual grains of sand which runs the risk of tiring out the user depending on individual power and the portion of sand being used.

Those whose energy type affects intangible materials (gas, air, etc) can grab intangible materials including air (only small portions of the air though) and can condense it to a certain degree. However, the larger in body the amount of air or gas the psionic user tries to grab, the harder it is to maintain, as well as it becoming more strenuous to hold onto and condense. They also can't affect the individual gases when it's a mix like say for example how air is made out of oxygen, nitrogen etc, they can't separate or grab said individual gases.

One rule I especially wanted to set up is that regardless of what said psionic energy user affects, they can't grab light with their psionic energy, period, simply because I felt it would be a little too much in terms of power.

The problem is I did want to set it up where psionic energy can affect electricity (grab it, condense it etc) and wanted to set it up where the user can only affect electricity from outside sources such as from a taser or a fusebox so no grabbing and moving electrons.

So now I'm left wondering: does it make sense that psionic energy can be used to grab electricity but not light, let alone if there is a way to make sense of it? After all, light and electricity are practically the same thing (energy). They aren't exactly one of the three states of matter (solid, liquid, gas) and I don't want to use the excuse of it being too overabundant to simply grab with psionic energy since intangible users can grab air in small portions (which is everywhere).

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Your psionic energy make little sense as we currently understand physics. Since you're making up the rules, it can do whatever you want. You are in effect asking "When I totally ignore the laws of physics, how can I use the laws of physics to explain ...?".

Another point is you might want to pick different names for what you call tangible and intangible. Gasses aren't intangible in the normal sense of that word, any more than solids or liquids are.

If you want to make up an absurd world, that's your business. However, you might care because the more absurd, the more you lose readers. You run the risk of it being insulting to anyone with a high school science background: "I think you're so dumb you'll believe anything.". You'll come across as the proverbial flaky artist who never understood all that science stuff. In the end, flaky artists will be the only readers left.

If you're going the really absurd route, just go ahead and call it magic. That way you're not pretending any of it is supposed to make sense.

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Yeah see I'm always hearing the term tangible and intangible but seems like no one can actually agree... (1 comment)
Yeah see I'm always hearing the term tangible and intangible but seems like no one can actually agree...
Melchizadek ‭ wrote about 1 month ago

Yeah see I'm always hearing the term tangible and intangible but seems like no one can actually agree what those terms mean. As far as using physics the idea is that it's a science no one truly understands, kind of like how in real life there's areas of science that gets debated to death. I'm mostly making this story for personal entertainment so there's not really gonna be any readers but that said I do care and I want it to be at least as realistic as it could be while adding speculative concepts without just calling it magic and having some kind of explanation on how it actually works and interacts with real world physics.