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Welcome to the staging ground for new communities! Each proposal has a description in the "Descriptions" category and a body of questions and answers in "Incubator Q&A". You can ask questions (and get answers, we hope!) right away, and start new proposals.

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Activity for elemtilas‭

Type On... Excerpt Status Date
Comment Post #292424 @#8046 --- Oo, database ninjas! Thanks for the explanation!
about 1 month ago
Comment Post #292424 @#85389 --- I'd have to look more closely at what Codidact's policies are regarding what kinds of questions are allowed and what should not be asked and what should be closed. My hope, though, is that we would expect a *higher level* of question in general. In other words, when this community was fir...
about 1 month ago
Comment Post #292424 @#8046 --- Yep! I think my issue was resolved mostly by switching browsers. I did tell Moshi what Opera version I've got, so hopefully the issue can get sorted! How would a merge actually take place?
about 1 month ago
Comment Post #292424 @#8176 --- I totally get that! What we're seeing in SE (I don't know if on there or not) is a kind of long struggle to define what WB:SE actually is: is it primarily science driven or is it primarily creativity driven or is it a balanced approach or is it something else? Several of the most active pa...
about 1 month ago
Comment Post #292424 I am very likely behind the times! When we (JBH & myself) first began cooking up a proposal here (which didn't get very far), we wanted to clearly distinguish WB from SS simply because you guys were handling the sciencey stuff. If things have changed, then I'd be happy to amend.
about 1 month ago
Comment Post #292424 Geopolitics? Nope! Not here! Geopoesy is the art of making worlds! "World and Stories" was the name of the previous proposal. Worldbuilding is an extremely well known word with a fairly well defined subject matter. Good to see you here!
about 1 month ago
Edit Post #292424 Initial revision about 1 month ago
Answer Worldbuilding
Worldbuilding Description This is a community embracing and bringing together worldbuilders, writers, poets and dreamers searching for help and inspiration to bring their creative stories, RPGs, and worlds to life. \ Worldbuilding is first and foremost Art: the creation of an alternate wo...
about 1 month ago