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Welcome to the staging ground for new communities! Each proposal has a description in the "Descriptions" category and a body of questions and answers in "Incubator Q&A". You can ask questions (and get answers, we hope!) right away, and start new proposals.

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Activity for celtschk‭

Type On... Excerpt Status Date
Comment Post #292731 Good points. I like the idea of long term damage. I think that could be well combined with John's idea of taking order from somewhere. That somewhere might always include you own mind/brain, which would make sense since that is the interface to the magic power.
12 days ago
Comment Post #292720 I really like the idea of having to draw the order from some other system.
12 days ago
Edit Post #292716 Initial revision 15 days ago
Question What are reasonable limitations for probability-manipulating magic?
I'm imagining a sort of magic that only manipulates probabilities. That is, you cannot achieve something that's against the laws of nature (for example, you cannot create energy out of nothing), but you can make unlikely events more likely and likely events more unlikely (as a simple example, you can...
15 days ago
Comment Post #292536 Nice solution, and might be adaptable to my setting. If the signs of supernatural activity they found are really signals from satellites controlling that technology (possibly with non-standard means so that even if you know satellite technology, you wouldn't identify those signals as satellite signal...
about 1 month ago
Comment Post #292509 True supernatural would be outside the scope. But sufficiently advanced technology would not be.
about 1 month ago
Comment Post #292477 I don't think moving posts between categories is currently supported by the software. If the moderators copy the post to the sandbox by hand, the sandbox post appears to be written by themselves, and of course the original post in the Q&A section won't be gone anyway.
about 1 month ago
Edit Post #292509 Initial revision about 1 month ago
Question What could be a believable reason for technologically advanced underground people to not notice the end of surface war for hundreds of years?
Consider the following scenario: We are in a far future. Technology has advanced quite a bit. A large, devastating global war has broken out. One faction decides to hide from that war underground; thanks to their technology they can create an autonomous society that's completely separated from ...
about 1 month ago
Edit Post #292508 Initial revision about 1 month ago
Answer A: Is Kant's categorical imperative applicable to Q&A sites like Codidact?
Let's first consider the side of those who have a question. If you have a question, you want an answer. Now there are two ways to get an answer: You find that someone already asked what you want to know, and someone already answered it, and the second one is that you ask yourself. The first case i...
about 1 month ago
Comment Post #292477 There's already the precedent of a sandbox system in the code golf community. There the sandbox is simply another category, and challenges are supposed to be copied to the main category when they are mature enough. However the system relies very much on users following the policy voluntarily; it prob...
about 1 month ago