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Activity for Melchizadek ‭

Type On... Excerpt Status Date
Comment Post #292721 Ok good to know, yeah hopefully this isn't a regular thing cause I'm having a lot of fun on this site it's really nice
12 days ago
Comment Post #292724 Ok so it wasn't just me ok, and yeah I saw that I had no idea how to categorize it
12 days ago
Comment Post #292729 Ok thanks for the info I appreciate it. Yeah I am really enjoying this site so I would that this doesn't happen more frequently especially since it might drive off people and this site is way too enjoyable to let that happen so hopefully something gets figured out
12 days ago
Comment Post #292719 Ok fair enough, yeah my attitude was just that after centuries of being around and having so many members eventually there's gonna be different telling of how things started and even when there's official documentation it sometimes either gets questioned or even gets lost so with so many people havin...
12 days ago
Edit Post #292721 Initial revision 13 days ago
Question Why was the codidact proposals down all day
I tried to post a question on worldbuilding and after I found I wasn't able to get into the site. I kept getting redirected to page telling me that codidact proposals was unavailable and it even told me that the site itself was the issue. It was like that most of the day and I don't know if anyone el...
13 days ago
Comment Post #292719 Hmm ok so in other words it would be fine to leave where the people of the organization just don't remember their origins and probably make more sense since it's easier to rationalize. Also I guess I would have to compare it to kind of like a secret society where there's millions of people involved f...
13 days ago
Edit Post #292717 Initial revision 15 days ago
Question Would it make sense for an organization that has existed for centuries not remember its own origins
Backstory: In my story there's this organization that is kind like of movie version of Men in Black combined with the Kingsmen where they hide in the shadows and maintain order in the world. Now they don't really "rule" the per say like illuminate or anything like that, but rather "guide it" so as...
15 days ago
Comment Post #292638 (Continue) convinced to help tear down society as revenge, and Parr of the grand scheme was taking over the criminal underworld and while he's not in charge, being a part of the group, that for now I'll call the pariahs for context, he does at least act as something of an enforcer, so yeah maybe if t...
22 days ago
Comment Post #292638 @#85389 hm yeah makes sense since this guy is highly trained and will likely take any advantage he can in order to win this fight, plus there are few thing I didn't mention mostly because it wasn't relevant to the question 1. The test subjects were equipped with a special techno organic device in th...
22 days ago
Comment Post #292636 @#36396 how does it look now
25 days ago
Edit Post #292636 Post edited:
25 days ago
Comment Post #292636 Ok yeah I'll fix that as I can
25 days ago
Edit Post #292636 Post edited:
27 days ago
Comment Post #292638 Oohh ok that makes sense I thought you meant char as in charred or something but either and yeah no like I said I definitely will take in your input since yeah some of them may not as well but you definitely know what your talking about and definitely had some good ideas especially since part of the ...
28 days ago
Edit Post #292636 Post edited:
28 days ago
Comment Post #292638 (Continue) Plus I can add it where he has built in traps like bear traps or a harpoon gun that he can deploy and use when his target is either distracted or off guard and can use these to slow him down or incapacitate him altogether. Or even put it where the traps are on him and he uses them when his...
28 days ago
Comment Post #292638 Not a terrible idea but parts of that wouldn't work too well since my idea was that he would go directly to fight the guy and he has no money since being raised in a lab he has no concept of monetary gain so the idea of hiring mercenaries is out. That said you're definitely onto something since I alr...
28 days ago
Edit Post #292636 Initial revision 28 days ago
Question What would be a good way to counter someone with supernatural fire powers and close quarter weapons?
Backstory I had an idea of a large project to breed specialized soldiers who will be used to fight and kill members of a story-specific group known for being super powered. Theses soldiers are bred in a lab from the genes of many of the members of the super-powered group with one being the offspri...
28 days ago
Comment Post #292558 Ok yeah I guess I did miss your point but yeah no I will keep in consideration, in fact I may reserve it for another character that isn't psionic since it does have some horror level potential as well if not at least psychedelic possibilities.
about 1 month ago
Comment Post #292558 I have considered having a person or two be slight exceptions with emphasis that it's not very normal, with one character can access his powers strictly through negative emotions (anger, sadness, etc) but when let's loose his power he loses a bit of cognitive thinking since he's pretty good and angry...
about 1 month ago
Comment Post #292558 Hmm not a terrible idea though I don't about making them able to take it that far. I'm not completely disregarding though since there is potential there, since one rule I have is the energy has to make direct contact with whatever it affects so if the electricity is in a light bulb the user will have...
about 1 month ago
Comment Post #292556 Yeah see I'm always hearing the term tangible and intangible but seems like no one can actually agree what those terms mean. As far as using physics the idea is that it's a science no one truly understands, kind of like how in real life there's areas of science that gets debated to death. I'm mostly ...
about 1 month ago
Comment Post #292568 So basically just say that whole tangible/intangible thing is just an oversimplification and it's amounts to Maas with electricity at least having some but light not having any..that actually works. Plus in story I want to put it where it's one of those things that no one truly understands because it...
about 1 month ago
Comment Post #292461 Right ok that's interesting and useful too, plus I was thinking that this also helps with greater lung capacity meaning that he can do all sorts of stuff for longer periods of time simply because he can take in more oxygen than any other life form. I'm still tinkering though but that will be useful i...
about 1 month ago
Edit Post #292553 Initial revision about 1 month ago
Question Would it make sense for an entity who can control tangible and/or intangible materials be able to manipulate electricity but not light?
I have this idea about people with "Psionic" power. Psionics in my story are primarily beings able to emit and/or manipulate a special energy field from within that takes physical form. They can extend it outward to pick up various materials like picking it up with their own hands with approximately ...
about 1 month ago
Comment Post #292461 I was honestly thinking like somewhere on the upper back like a whale, and yeah I acknowledge it's likely not too plausible but completely impossible, so the question is I that would be necessary or even affective or not, and so far its looking like it's not
about 1 month ago
Comment Post #292476 Ok thats something to consider, my thing is I wanted to do something like shin godzilla where I starts off as regular fire and then when mixed with oxygen turn into an oxy-acetelyne stream, kind of like welding
about 1 month ago
Comment Post #292461 Hm ok yeah that makes sense, plus I forgot to mention it in my edit but two other ideas I had other than the heat not actually affecting his breathing or at least just holds his breathe. One was where he has extra nostrils on his back to take in oxygen from behind him while he's burning oxygen in fro...
about 1 month ago
Comment Post #292438 Oh yeah I definitely will and yeah that makes sense, either way I'm liking this site and I think I'll have genuine fun here
about 1 month ago
Comment Post #292438 Oh yeah no I noticed that too, but at least there's more flexibility
about 1 month ago
Comment Post #292438 Yeah I moved this question from stack exchange and I edited it because I noticed some stuff was irrelevant and plus it was too long, but to answer your question yes he is fire resistant and to that extent has high body temperature regulation, between his having specialized platelets, dense muscles th...
about 1 month ago
Comment Post #292438 Yeah honestly thanks for the recommendation the site actually walked me through how they want to you kind of do things instead of assuming I know and it looks like the people running this site have the common sense to know that subjects like worldbuilding don't have definitive answer like math or sci...
about 1 month ago
Edit Post #292438 Initial revision about 1 month ago
Question What would be the best way to breathe for a creature that shoots fire from its mouth?
I've had an idea where there's this humanoid based life-form that has no real origin other than being found on some remote island. Kind of like skull island and seems be a complete anomaly in the natural world, supposedly being the only one of his kind. Among his traits is that through complex sy...
about 1 month ago