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Activity for Antares‭

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Edit Post #292636 Post edited:
Actually wanted to correct just the "to" being at the wrong place, then realized the title could be made more focused.
22 days ago
Comment Post #292638 I had another idea to get to "mercenaries" without "hiring them": If there are others on the spot where the encounter between char and target takes place, char could try to have target annoy those, so they fight with char against the target. Example: There are policemen (you need to replace them m...
22 days ago
Suggested Edit Post #292636 Suggested edit:
Actually wanted to correct just the "to" being at the wrong place, then realized the title could be made more focused.
helpful 22 days ago
Comment Post #292638 Neat plotline ideas of yours! Just for clarification: I meant Char as a shorthand for "Character" (=Main Character / Protagonist) but you're welcome to use that as name if you like it, of course! Same for the other ideas, pick or modify what you like and see as useful! :)
28 days ago
Edit Post #292638 Post edited:
28 days ago
Edit Post #292636 Post edited:
Added a "in short" section. Please edit as you see fit.
28 days ago
Edit Post #292638 Post edited:
28 days ago
Edit Post #292638 Post edited:
28 days ago
Edit Post #292638 Initial revision 28 days ago
Answer A: What would be a good way to counter someone with supernatural fire powers and close quarter weapons?
The situation sounds like a "David vs Goliath", "Kevin home alone" or "Die hard" kind of scenario. Therefore my idea would be that the Char resorts to cunning, dexterity/agility (if shi is faster than the opponent), distraction and deception instead of direct confrontation in close or long range c...
28 days ago
Suggested Edit Post #292636 Suggested edit:
Added a "in short" section. Please edit as you see fit.
helpful 28 days ago
Edit Post #292595 Post edited:
about 1 month ago
Comment Post #292595 I see, it is a cross-over topic in the first place... hmm.
about 1 month ago
Comment Post #292552 @#36396 This would be another indicator for some magical explanation or "frame", although the text states "scientists".
about 1 month ago
Comment Post #292424 @#53970 totally agree
about 1 month ago
Edit Post #292595 Initial revision about 1 month ago
Answer A: Is Artificial Life alive?
Isn't the topic more like a mixture of Software-Development, Electrical Engineering and Biology? Maybe the Artificial Life topics can be split and merged with the broader scientific topics like: Software (-Development or -Engineering) - would be something like the game of life or maybe spreading p...
about 1 month ago
Comment Post #292572 How would you like the feedback to be? Vote? Posting with a statement of interest? Just update the "react" list?
about 1 month ago
Edit Post #292594 Initial revision about 1 month ago
Answer A: Does the Invasive Species proposal have support?
I am not particularly interested in the topic itself, but I would like to make a suggestion: Maybe the topic can be integrated/extended into a "Biology" community? The proposal could be kept as a definition of a certain subset or topic thereof. Open is of course, if this would make things bette...
about 1 month ago
Comment Post #292568 Yes, exactly. You can integrate it in the story as mysterious or as scientific as you would like it to be, while you also have a concept for internal consistency at hand.
about 1 month ago
Edit Post #292568 Post edited:
about 1 month ago
Edit Post #292568 Post edited:
added links
about 1 month ago
Edit Post #292568 Post edited:
about 1 month ago
Edit Post #292568 Initial revision about 1 month ago
Answer A: Would it make sense for an entity who can control tangible and/or intangible materials be able to manipulate electricity but not light?
Yes, you can make sense of it: mass The property you are searching for is "mass". All the matter you describe as tangible and intangible is matter with mass ("particles"). Also electricity can be considered as being a flux of electrons which itself have a mass (albeit really small). Light on th...
about 1 month ago
Comment Post #292552 Just consider some names: Gilgamesh, Tut-Anch-Amun, Genghis Khan, Julius Caesar, Alexander the Great, George Washington, William the Conqueror, William Wallace, King Louis 14., Vlad the Impaler, ... I mean: What about those with a psychopathic, violent or otherwise biased impression of grandeur, s...
about 1 month ago
Comment Post #292552 Maybe you should consider to frame this scenario in a magical setting. Because resurrecting someone from the stone ages is highly unlikely due to the condition the remains are. Mostly bone. If lucky some teeth. This would make DNA extraction possible. Later you have mummies, having no inner organs li...
about 1 month ago
Comment Post #292511 I agree, not all of them would conform and the scenario would be one that is prone to fall at some point instead of being stable _forever_. But we also do not know if or when the setting is meant to break for telling the story. Maybe the urge of "what is outside there" grows strong in the generations...
about 1 month ago
Edit Post #292514 Post edited:
about 1 month ago
Edit Post #292513 Post edited:
about 1 month ago
Edit Post #292512 Post edited:
about 1 month ago
Edit Post #292512 Post edited:
about 1 month ago
Comment Post #292512 It is a mechanism of deterrent or scaring. Because if you tinker with the computer and it says "Error, wrong key" you can try on and on. But the computer is supposed to "accept" any keys. But will not disable the defense systems if it was the wrong one. In essence this is maybe more plot-relevant ...
about 1 month ago
Comment Post #292448 I was refering to Wikipedia mostly. But yeah, sources are short-lived most of the time.
about 1 month ago
Comment Post #292482 You mentioned "I don't see this working out". Do you mean that as "Worldbuilding at all" or is it of narrower scope like "brainstorming", "broad questions" and the like?
about 1 month ago
Edit Post #292517 Post edited:
about 1 month ago
Edit Post #292517 Initial revision about 1 month ago
Answer A: Is this one fishing for ideas?
I for one totally like the question and I consider it to be a perfect example of "The Art" of Worldbuilding. It should be allowed as is.
about 1 month ago
Edit Post #292516 Post edited:
about 1 month ago
Comment Post #292497 @#53890 Thanks for your feedback and sharing your way of dealing with it, sounds very helpful! I'll keep it in mind!
about 1 month ago
Comment Post #292487 Restore is okay with me. I can do it, or do you want to? What about copy&paste the proposal text to be posted by someone else? I can delete my post again then.
about 1 month ago
Edit Post #292516 Initial revision about 1 month ago
Question Is this one fishing for ideas?
There was a very nice question posted recently about an underground society not knowing overground war has ended. Just out of curiosity: The question could be regarded as "too broad", "generating ideas", "brainstorming", "fishing for ideas", "answers are only opinion-based", ...
about 1 month ago
Edit Post #292514 Initial revision about 1 month ago
Answer A: What could be a believable reason for technologically advanced underground people to not notice the end of surface war for hundreds of years?
Vault-Net has control It was considered at some point to install an AI that would help the underground people to have a comfy life. The programming was something like "Protect the underground people so that they live the best life they could." Adhering its program to the word, Vault-Net deci...
about 1 month ago
Edit Post #292512 Post edited:
about 1 month ago
Edit Post #292512 Post undeleted about 1 month ago
Edit Post #292513 Post edited:
about 1 month ago
Edit Post #292512 Post deleted about 1 month ago