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Welcome to the staging ground for new communities! Each proposal has a description in the "Descriptions" category and a body of questions and answers in "Incubator Q&A". You can ask questions (and get answers, we hope!) right away, and start new proposals.

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Activity for Antares‭

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Edit Post #292392 Post edited:
about 2 months ago
Edit Post #292392 Post edited:
about 2 months ago
Comment Post #288459 Yes, I was refering to the three "non-characters in a row" "-&-". But maybe it'll work, it just caught my eye of being "special to type" (and to look at). A "Arts&Crafts" would surely be more neat. But you are right, the auto-complete could alleviate this.
about 2 months ago
Comment Post #288459 I noticed that Arts&Crafts has a somewhat complicated tag to write. But "Arts-Crafts" would maybe not cut it. Would "Craftmanship" actually encompass everything the proposal mentions? Or does it imply "excluding Arts"?
about 2 months ago
Comment Post #292392 @#8046: I have added the proposal for [Creative-Challenges]( now. This question would be the first in that category :) Would it be suitable to post the same question to Writing and Speculative Science as well? Because they are part of the intended audie...
about 2 months ago
Edit Post #292413 Post edited:
about 2 months ago
Edit Post #292413 Post edited:
about 2 months ago
Comment Post #292413 I proposed it, I would care for it.
about 2 months ago
Edit Post #292413 Initial revision about 2 months ago
Answer Creative Challenges
You need someinput on your world-to-build or story-to-be? You enjoy writing or solving mental riddles and thought experiments? You would like to brainstorm to get a little kickstart to get you going? You just want to get in touch with creativity loving like-minds? You are sick of "votes to close" and...
about 2 months ago
Edit Post #292392 Post edited:
about 2 months ago
Edit Post #292392 Post edited:
about 2 months ago
Edit Post #292412 Post edited:
about 2 months ago
Edit Post #292412 Initial revision about 2 months ago
Answer A: What can I do with used disposable batteries?
Extra bins to dispose them are not only present at recycling centers. Each shop/supermarket that sells those is obliged to have a place where to return them to. Sometimes you also can ask at the information counter to take them back. (At least in Europe it is law, applicability in the US may...
about 2 months ago
Comment Post #292389 Sounds good! Finding a "super-title" to cover everything... I have to think about it. TV is certainly covered in movies as well! shows/series of course also, not only stand-alone-movies. Theater is not explicitly but certainly implicitly welcome! This would have to be made clear in the "abs...
about 2 months ago
Edit Post #292386 Post edited:
about 2 months ago
Comment Post #292384 @#8046: Oh cool! You mean "section" like the proposal for [Movies&Literature]( I have added this.
about 2 months ago
Edit Post #292389 Post edited:
about 2 months ago
Edit Post #292392 Initial revision about 2 months ago
Question A little riddle / Creative Challenge: Pressure Plates in a Dungeon
This is an initial post for the proposal of a new community: Creative Challenges. Please feel free to answer here or post more questions in the spirit of this one. Do not restrict yourself on the form of the question. Just post a question! As you can see in the proposal, there are several "Special...
about 2 months ago
Comment Post #292389 Enthusiast, no expert
about 2 months ago
Edit Post #292389 Initial revision about 2 months ago
Answer Movies & Literature
Pitch It's one of the most essential topics. A driver for attracting more people and presumably the topics with the largest fan group behind it! Think of all the Trekkies, StarWars'ler, LOTR, GOT, Firefly, Babylon5, Dragonlance, Marvel, and general cinema enthusiasts, movie lovers and movie sc...
about 2 months ago
Comment Post #292379 Idk, maybe also just active/casual, bc the topics like industrial is not mine. But UX and VisualDesign is. I think the topics are to much of a cross-cut over large areas. I don't get Built-Environment also, is this something like Man-Machine-Interface or Man-Computer-Interface? Or is it aimed at buil...
about 2 months ago
Comment Post #292379 I would also see overlapping issues with Arts&Crafts. But what is mentioned here in Design could also be "CAD" or "Graphics Design" (mentioned in the main page here). Arts&Crafts stated that they also would cover UI/UX. Maybe this has to be transfered to this category then.
about 2 months ago
Comment Post #288796 Yes! I like it. I thought about "Tabletop&Boardgames" but yours is far more catchy. And it welcomes cardgames as well. It would also make a clear distinction to Tabletop&RPG - name wise. What about renaming TRPG to "Pen&Paper [Games]" or "Pen&Paper RPG" and then mixing Tabletop topics into a new "Car...
about 2 months ago
Comment Post #288863 For some reason I like those "riddles" that come up when someone overhauls their home.
about 2 months ago
Comment Post #290564 Just a thought: Wouldn't this be more like "Theoretical Comp.Sci."?
about 2 months ago
Comment Post #290730 I tend between between expert and active user. I know a lot about philo topics, but not on a university level or something. But I am surely interested.
about 2 months ago
Comment Post #291378 Creative thinking and I like challenges, does this count? If not, I resort to Active User :)
about 2 months ago
Comment Post #292384 Well, I'll give it a try, but actually I am not convinced that this will attract people when there is not a big fat button on the main page saying something like "Movies&Literature", "Story&World-Building" at least. For example, I am not that much of a question poster, but a vivid answerer. There sur...
about 2 months ago
Comment Post #288459 I would definitely (actively) follow & contribute (but unlikely ask currently) Arts&Crafts. My expertise is in digital art/software 3D/2D, UI/UX and photography, painting only a little.
about 2 months ago
Comment Post #292385 Nice! Thanks for the infos. Cool you found a good price!
about 2 months ago
Edit Post #292388 Post edited:
about 2 months ago
Edit Post #292388 Initial revision about 2 months ago
Answer A: Could a philosophical zombie verify that it is a philosophical zombie?
The first example you gave reminds me of a black-box test. Meaning: You have two black boxes and inside is some electrical circuitry. Two wires are provided on the front of each box, which exert 1.5 Volts. You have all electrical stuff available there is to tell, if there is a difference between them...
about 2 months ago
Edit Post #292387 Post edited:
about 2 months ago
Edit Post #292387 Post edited:
about 2 months ago
Edit Post #292387 Initial revision about 2 months ago
Answer A: Is Kant's categorical imperative applicable to Q&A sites like Codidact?
Interesting thought/question trying to apply a philosophical concept on the "main problem" of Q&A! Roughly translated the imperative approach is as you said "Act in a way that the maxim of your doing could be the general rule" (maxim being the intended purpose or results or goal). So if a user ...
about 2 months ago
Edit Post #292386 Post edited:
about 2 months ago
Edit Post #292386 Initial revision about 2 months ago
Answer A: How do I find a good dumb TV?
Yeah, it is pretty much a lost tech. CRT times are over. And "feature rich" sells better than "feature poor", therefore the smart hype. It sounds that you actually not looking for a TV but need a computer monitor. Not a gaming monitor, but one for video editing or bureau purposes. To make the m...
about 2 months ago
Edit Post #292385 Post edited:
about 2 months ago
Edit Post #292385 Post edited:
about 2 months ago
Edit Post #292385 Post edited:
about 2 months ago
Edit Post #292385 Initial revision about 2 months ago
Answer A: How do I search for d6 dice with a blank 6th face?
I am afraid the best thing you can search for is "blank dice" or "custom dice" or "custom made dice" (this will maybe bring up someone who provides such services, those who also do engravings and custom printed T-shirts and mugs etc.) If you want professionally made dice, printed by a machine, y...
about 2 months ago
Edit Post #292384 Post edited:
about 2 months ago